Saturday, July 27, 2024

Bringing the outside in

 I don't know why, but I rarely cut and bring flowers inside. The way my hydrangea looked this year though I couldn't help but cutting some. I found the vase at Walmart for 50% off and it was only $3 or $5 to begin with.

These are sitting on the little table near my front door where I set my car keys. I see them every day when I'm leaving and again when I come home. 

Friday, July 26, 2024

Cakes again

 Just a couple more cakes today. I kind of feel like all the cakes I make look the same. It's rare that I get a request for anything that asks for something out of the ordinary.\

First is a 1/4 sheet cake. 

Then my least favorite is a full sheet cake.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Last t-ball game

 T-ball season went by really fast. It seems like I just started going to Presley's games and then it was the last one. I didn't make it to all of them but I did go to one a week. It sure was fun to watch her and her team mates as they learned the game.

At the end of the game the coach had them all line up and he did a trophy presentation for each one of them.

Here's Presley posing with hers for me. 
I'm hoping that she plays again next year too.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Another new hobby

 In addition to the drawing every day, I've added something new. I decided I wanted to learn how to do fancy lettering. I'm still learning and these are pretty rough but it's another enjoyable way to spend an evening. I purchased a book called Hand Lettering for Relaxation. It has blank pages in it for practicing all the lessons. I didn't want to write in the book though and I have quite a few sketch books. I decided I would do the lessons in one of those.

I've since learned to use a ruler instead of relying on my ability to write in a straight line. I don't know if I'm getting any better or not but I've enjoyed doing this.

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