Monday, October 21, 2024

Christmas in the woods

 On Saturday October 12, Amanda and I went to Christmas in the woods in Columbiana Ohio. It's about an hour and a half drive from my house. This is a huge even held in the woods. 

As usual there was a long line of traffic waiting to get in to the parking lot. It was a beautiful day though.

Here's a shot of the parking lot that gives you a bit of an idea of just how many people go to this. 

I didn't take a whole lot of pictures because the crafters don't like pictures being taken. I limited it to some of the decorations.

And what Christmas event would be complete without a Santa.

Most of the stuff there is very expensive but I did buy a few things. I got a bag of homemade dog treats for Gibbs, one small Christmas present and for me a bag of maple coated cashews. They were $7.50 for an 8ounce bag but they are so delicious. They do have a website Dennis Farms. You can purchase items from their website but they also have a list of places you can buy their products. It looks like quite a few different states where they are available.

Sunday, October 20, 2024


 Today I have the last two cakes that I did at work.

One morning I show up at work to find this order hanging on my table.

I had to call the customer to let them know that a frog is not something I have ever done before. Of course no answer so I had to leave a message. The note on the bottom of the order form was just in case she didn't call back before I left.

Any way, she returned my call, I explained the situation and told her I was willing to try it but wanted to let her know it might not look so good. She laughed and told me to do the best I could.

I started by drawing it on paper, the with plain white icing to see how it would look.

At this point I figured I could pull it off so I went ahead and did it on the cake.

And here is the whole cake.

This next one, a customer came in on a Friday and ordered a cake for the next day. The person who works on my days off can do cakes but she doesn't like to. I asked the customer if it was ok if I did it that day and said ok. I asked what she wanted on it and she told me it was for a boy and I could just surprise her. This is something totally different for me but I think it turned out pretty cool. Not sure what the customer thought of it though.

For some reason every blog I have tried to comment on this morning is saying failed to load. If I don't comment on your blog today, that's why. Sorry.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Work doodles

 Just another doodle at work. Tomorrow you will see where the idea to draw this one came from.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Copy cat drawing.

Before the storms in Florida  Sandra sent me an email. She was telling me about another blog she follows and something they posted that she used for a drawing. I decided that I would copy her again.

Here is what I drew. By the way you will eventually see this again in one of my drawing posts because I did draw this in my sketch book

Not only did a have drawing inspiration but I met a new blogger. The original idea for our drawings came from Sue at Photowannabe

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Hair cut

 I broke down a couple weeks ago and finally called to make an appointment for a haircut. I know I'm over due when my hair ends up in a pony tail all the time. I actually go to a barber shop that is just down the street from work. There is a woman that works there who does all the haircuts for women. I've never left there with a haircut that I didn't like.

It's a bit messy in this picture but once again I was pleased with the cut.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

A little something I made for myself.

 I recently made a shirt for myself. I thought about doing a Halloween shirt but went with a fall theme instead so that I could wear it longer.

I used regular viny for the writing and the pumpkin and gold glitter vinyl for the leaves and the pumpkin stem.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

October Happy Mail

 The October happy mail card has been received by at least one person that I know of and the email version has gone out. Here's what I made for this month.

This is a step card. Here is the front view.

Side view

And here is the back

Monday, October 14, 2024

Pretty flowers.

 One day when I stopped at Walmart, I saw some pretty flowers sitting out in front of the store. I never looked to see what they were or how much they cost. What I did do was take a couple pictures to use for a blog post.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Week 17 drawings.

 First let me say that Amanda and I had a fun outing yesterday (or at least it was planned at the time I'm writing this post) So long as we went, I'll have something on that soon. Then I scheduled a vacation day for today so I'll be lounging in front of my computer this morning, leisurely drinking my coffee and feeling ever so grateful that I didn't have to go to work.

Ok on to another weeks worth of drawings. Fall has given me plenty of ideas for things to draw.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Just miscellaneous stuff

 Today I'm cleaning out the folder of blog pictures and doing a miscellaneous stuff post.

A recent cake that I did. This was ordered by the local senior center. They do a cake to celebrate all the birthdays in the month. They asked for fall colors.

Found these growing under my deck. They remind me of daisies so I liked them.

If you follow me on Facebook you may have already seen this. I wasn't going to post it here but Amanda asked if I was going to so I thought I would. I came across this reel one night when I was up later than usual and I couldn't stop laughing. I sent it to Amanda in a text and told her how funny I thought it was but it may have just been because I was so tired. I watched it again the next morning and I was laughing hysterically again. I guess it just tickled my immature side. What can I say. That's just the kind of sense of humor I have.


Friday, October 11, 2024

Week 16 drawings.

 Not much to say about these. It's just another weeks worth of drawings.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Slow leak

 In the past month and a half (approximately) my low tire pressure light has come on. The first couple times I just filled all 4 tires and didn't pay much attention. Then I decided that I needed to see which one was actually the problem. Unfortunately my car doesn't tell me which tire is low it just says "low tire pressure"

I found that it was the rear passenger side tire that was the issue. I called the garage where I always take my car and they scheduled an appointment for a Monday which as you know is my day off. Not wanting to get up early in the morning to drop the car off I decided that after work on Sunday I would drop it off and then walk home.

Leaving the garage and headed toward home I thought I would snap a few pictures. This is at the very beginning of the walk home. So long as I can make it up this hill the rest of the walk is a piece of cake.

This is just past the store I work at and I'm right in front of the post office.

As I came upon the diner I couldn't help snapping a picture of how nicely they have it decorated.

After this I stuffed the phone in my pocket and just walked. The next day I had to walk back down to pick up the car when they were done. That walk is all down hill and much easier. The verdict was a bad valve stem in the tire and he only charged me $20

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Just a couple work doodles.

Still doodling at work. I just can't help myself. We have a new manager so I may need to watch how much time I spend goofing off.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

A little crafting project

 I found a really cute SVG file on Burton Ave. I don't really don't do Halloween decorating but I thought this was cute and I had a pillow cover just waiting for me to put something on it.

This was cute as it but then I got an idea. I found some felt Halloween themed stickers at Dollar Tree. I took a few of them and hot glued them on to the pillow cover.

I think they added the perfect finishing touch.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Copy catting the copy cat

 My friend Sandra a.k.a. the madsnapper  has snagged a few of my drawings and did a copy cat post where she did her own drawing. I finally got the opportunity to copy her when she posted this.

I sat down and drew my own.

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