Sunday, December 1, 2024

Week 25 drawings.

 I'm probably going to overload you with all the drawings but I wanted to get all caught up on these with the exception of the current week.

Why not start December off with a little bit of art work. I lied the other day though. There is one more turkey drawing in this batch.


CheerfulMonk said...

I love your drawings. You could never overload me! Even though I'm a dog person, the cat is my favorite. ❤️

Rose said...

I so love that cat, too!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the cat, I LOVE THE CAT and the mouse is just so funny, when he scrolled up I laughed out loud. Mouse with Attitude. I copied them but not sure when I will get time to draw.

Shug said...

I enjoy seeing all of your drawings...they are all so cute! Thinking my favorites in this bunch are the mouse and the turkey....Adorable...

Grace said...

The Yin/Yang cat is quite marvelous. And the mouse - but he's not a Seymour - a Clyde or a Ted...

My Mind's Eye said...

The kitty reminds me of my youngest GrandCat Harper. She is dark gray and white. The French bull dog is cute
Hugs Cecilia

Ginny Hartzler said...

The black & white cat is very stylish. But it is the mouse & cheese for me. And maybe I can draw this one, I've saved it!

Lori said...

I love them all but the cat is my absolute favorite.

susan q said...

just curious about how much snow your area received? or maybe none at all, lol The local news showed the lake effect snow and it looked very dangerous so stay safe and warm at your house!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Nice job. They are really cute!

DeniseinVA said...

Bring them on, I love them!

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