Sorry to disappoint you but this isn't another Duke post. It isn't even Duke who learned the new trick. It's me, yes me. I learned a new trick. I'm sharing it with you today because I think it is so darn cool and yet oh so easy.
First let me tell you where I heard about this. I get a newsletter from
Texas Chicks Blogs and Pics One of the more recent ones talked about cropping. They suggested cropping from vertical to horizontal or horizontal to vertical (whichever the case may be). There were some examples of what a difference it made in the final photo. Let me just say WOW I liked it.
Here are a couple of my examples for you. Now on the after picture I also did some additional editing but even without it, there was a big improvement. At least I think so anyway.
My first example is a horizontal shot of the cat I used to have. Not a very good picture really but heck he was a pretty cat.

Now when I cropped, I turned it vertical. Then of course I changed it to black and white and probably several something elses that I can't remember. What do you think? Better?

This next one is a picture of me :) Why I'm posting this I'm not sure because I hate pictures of me. But, I really like what I ended up with. Now before you look at the picture I want you to pretend that you don't see any gray hair. What was I thinking when I let myself be photographed without coloring my hair first? OMG

Again I went from horizontal to vertical and you wouldn't believe that this is the same picture. Now again I did a whole lot of editing after I cropped and can't for the life of me remember exactly what I did but this is what I ended up with. So what do you think?

So give this a try on some of your pictures. Turn landscapes into portraits and portraits into landscapes.
Just as a side note here, when you do something like this, save your originals that way you can always go back to it if you decide you don't like your edit so much after all. I've done some edits late at night that, at the time, I thought looked spectacular. The next morning? Not so good.
Duke wanted me to add here that he is a little upset with me right now. He thinks that since the title of my post was "You can teach an old dog new tricks" I should have included at least one picture of a dog.
Sorry Duke, maybe next time. This post is mom's