Wednesday, December 4, 2024

snow, snow and more snow.

 I'm sure that most of you have seen the news and know that we were hit BIG with lake effect snow. It started last Friday. I got up for work and there was already snow on the ground but it wasn't so bad that I couldn't get out.

By the time I got home I couldn't get in the driveway. I parked in the street and grabbed the shovel. It wasn't too bad. I just pushed the shovel back and forth across the driveway. The end was a little harder because it was the heavy stuff the snowplow had pushed in. I was 2 passes away from being done and I noticed the neighbor across the street had their garage door open. One pass to go and I hear his snowblower start up. I was grumbling a few choice words under my breath and said that is just plain cruel. All done and I was headed to the sidewalk in front of the house and I hear him yell out to me "Do you want me to finish for you, it looks like you've shoveled enough". In a sweet voice I said "No, I'm almost done but thanks". Of course in my head my reply wasn't so nice.

Saturday morning I got up and went to let Gibbs out. I opened the back door and the snow was about 2 feet deep

I went to the front door and shoveled a little spot so he could get out there and do his business.

I watched two neighbors across the street snow blow their driveways and then go back in their houses. No one asked if I needed help. 

You can see in this picture just how deep it was

In the afternoon the sun came out for a bit but there was a ton of snow out there. Then it started back up. I went out and cleaned the car off and shoveled around the car. That was all I could do. It was very obvious that there was no way I could shovel that on my own. I got depressed.

Sunday morning it was still snowing, I felt trapped and even more stressed. I had asked for the week off for my last 5 vacation days. He gave me the 5 days but scheduled me to work on Monday which is my typical day off. Now I needed to get out of the driveway and I couldn't shovel. I sent a text to the guy who mows for me asking if he still plowed as well. I got an auto response but no answer. My mood fell even more and I started to whine on Facebook. My daughter in law took pity on my and asked if she could help. I said not really unless she wanted to shovel. She said no but she would find someone who would. Later in the day two high school boys showed up and shoveled my driveway. 

I'm writing this post on Sunday and the warnings for the snow are supposed to continue until Tuesday. It said the final total could be 4-6 feet of snow. I sure hope this isn't a sign of what to expect for the winter. I won't make it.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh MY!!! Your neighbors don't seem to have mush of the Christmas spirit. Or any spirit for that matter! What is casting the green light on the tree and snow? Let's hope someone around there is willing to offer help, this is ridiculous!

Rose said...

I really feel your pain...inhope for your sake it is the worst you will have.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so sorry, that picture of the man snow blowing shows just how much it is. even a pioneer woman could not shovel that. I do hope it stops soon and that it will melt and not keep piling up. did you get the teens phone number? to call for help if needed?

Lori said...

That is a lot of snow. I would have to have someone to call. That is too much to use a shovel on. They say this winter will be cold and snowy.

DeniseinVA said...

That’s a sad commentary on your neighbors with their snow blowers Ann. Shame on them! That looks like backbreaking work. I hope those two boys will come back.

Lin said...

Does your community have any help for those in your situation? Our village had a list for seniors or for those living alone that needed plowing. I get the neighbor thing. Mean Old Man would do the same to us...and then we bought a snowblower. I used to go around and do everyone's driveway and rarely, if EVER, did I get a wave or a "thank you." Then I stopped doing it because it cost me in gas and labor and it started to be expected. I didn't expect a fuss, but a "thank you" would have been nice. Who knows why they won't help you. It's weird. People are weird.

My Mind's Eye said...

Ann I am speechless and that is RARE. I am so sorry you have to deal with all this mess...and it is early December. I hope those teenagers might be willing to be on call for you this winter.
Gibbs best learn to sniff an do his business quickly
Hugs Cecilia

Sandee said...

I hate living in California, but I'd rather be here than in snow country. That looks brutal.

Have a fabulous day, my friend. A big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥

Pam said...

Been following your fb post and I have felt so sorry for you. But so proud of you for rocking it with the shovel. I would not even be able to get a small section done. When I moved into my moms old house it snowed, and since I had to let the dogs out the deck to the fenced yard I was so pleased when the renter next door came and shoveled off my deck and steps. Its nice to have neighbors like that for sure. Sorry that the guys around you don't have that gene! I have been up north this time of yr and the snow in Great Lakes Ill. was horrible that year.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

(((HUGS))) That was so much to go through. I can't believe all the snow you got. You should have said yes to your neighbor. So glad your daughter in law got those boys to come over. Is it any better now? Glad you got the days off.

Shug said...

Goodness Ann...I can't imagine living in an area that receives that much snow...I mean, what do people do that just can't get anyone to help? Kinda sad that your neighbor didn't help you out. I have always dreamed of a white Christmas....but I don't think I would want it to be this much snow...Stay warm and comfortable.

HappyK said...

That's a lot of snow.
It's snowing again here right now.

CheerfulMonk said...

I hope you can find someone on all to do it when you need it. That's discouraging about your neighbors with the snowblowers.

Liz Hinds said...

Wow! That's a lot of snow. Is that normal for you?

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