Thursday, April 3, 2014


Cake pops that is.

So what am I doing making cake pops when I'm supposed to be dieting? I'm weak and I admit it. Actually I've been not doing so good with the dieting the last week or so. I've been cheating more and more, exercising less and gained back 3 of the pounds I lost. I am not going to get back into my summer clothes if I keep this up.

Honestly though these little cake pops aren't that bad since they are made with a chocolate cake mix and a can of pumpkin and nothing else.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Will you dip them in frosting? If you don't, they will be better for you. I have been on a strict diet and have lost 38 pounds. I still need to lose way more! I would eat cake pops, but replace a meal with them instead of having them with a meal. You are so SLIM!!! I can't imagine you need to lose weight! I had been down to ONE blouse that fit me!! Out of four closets!

Anonymous said...

I too have just started to do exercise and not too much of dieting to reduce my weight!

Willow said...

Look yummy and sound easy to make ~ my kind of trreat :)

Connie said...


Hootin Anni said...

You only live once....and indulging once in a while can't be all that bad. You'll get back in the groove of things soon, I'm sure.

Enjoy those pops!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

can't believe you are baking at home after all the baking at work... and if i baked at work i would weigh 500 pounds and you look skinny to me... wish i were your size...

Out on the prairie said...

Gotta have fun while dieting.

Bossy Betty said...

These look wonderful and also non-caloric! I am sure of it.

Grace said...

Don't quite understand the concept of cake pops - chocolate and pumpkin - sounds good.

Sandee said...

It's easy to put the weight on, but very difficult to get it off. Bugger. You'll do it if you want to and if you don't you'll buy all new clothes for the summer. A size larger. Did that work?

Have a fabulous day. My very best to my buddy Duke. ♥♥♥

Marg said...

Life is short, so you need to enjoy it. Those Pops look so yummy and chocolate to boot. So just enjoy. Have a great evening.

BeadedTail said...

Mmmmm, cake pops! You're already my ideal weight so you don't need to diet! I have a long way to go on my weight loss journey.

Chatty Crone said...

Hey what is the recipe?

Unknown said...

Yummy for the tummy!

Donna said...

My daughter Crystal, use to make these Constantly!Hahaaa

Sharkbytes said...

I guess I don't get the point of cake pops. Why not just make a cake and cut it into smaller pieces?

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