Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The case of the missing blogger

The desk of the missing blogger sits abandoned.

Oh my, the desk is even clean and tidy. Could foul play be involved? Inspector Whodunit investigated and is here to report the findings.

Last week was a bit busy at work for the blogger and by Thursday she was seen snoozing on the couch after returning home. When Friday rolled around the blogger was much too excited about the three day weekend that laid ahead. Saturday was a day filled with grocery shopping, cleaning and crafting followed by pool cleaning and more crafting on Sunday. Monday the bloggers craft room was looking as though it had been ransacked by hoodlums so more cleaning was required. The television saw the blogger frequently over the three day weekend and entertained her with a Diagnosis Murder marathon as well as some of her other old favorites.
Now that the weekend is over the blogger will be returning to work, but I imagine there will be some kicking and screaming involved. If she finds time to replenish her stock of blog pictures she will be returning to her little corner of the internet and hopefully on a more regular basis.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I am glad the blogger did just what she wanted, nothing more or less. The office room does look very good!

Arlynda Lea Beuterbaugh said...

I bet Duke had a paw in it!

booahboo said...

One week of missing is okay Ann... i've been away for so long.. i don't even know how to blog anymore. *LOL*

jp@A Green Ridge said...

A well deserved rest for the wrists, my friend...as well as the brain!...:)JP

Hootin Anni said...

If I had a clean desk like this one in the mystery case of a missing blogger...I think I'd be suspected of some other 'who dunits' involving the couch and pool too!!

Catherine said...

Oh if only we didn't have to work. There would be so much more time for blogging and other more enjoyable things!!
xo Catherine

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I know Duke was happy the blogger was home for 3 days with him.. sounds like a fun time for you and it gave me some smiles this morning reading about the missing blogger.

Sandee said...

Well, I think you did what you needed to do. A three day weekend should be all about you, and Duke.

Have a fabulous day. My best to Duke. ♥♥♥

Grace said...

Ooooh, I like your desk. So what were you crafting over your long and languid weekend?

BeadedTail said...

Sounds like some blogger had a great weekend! :) This blogger's desk isn't near as clean as that one!

Marg said...

Sometimes life just gets in the way of other things. We do understand and will expect you back when you get back. Have a great evening.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I am glad that you took some time off --because i know how much good it does me.... Blogging is just a tiny piece of our lives.. Don't let it consume you ---or me!!!!!!

I loved the idea that you sat and enjoyed Diagnosis Murder... You SO deserved that!!!!!! (I love that show.)

Hugs to you,

Duni said...

Glad you had a nice blogging break! Your desk looks nice and tidy :) I've just returned from my blog break and am trying catch up!

Donna said...

What is WITH all of us....I've been just awful about blogging! And so have a bunch of my followers. Must be something in the water...Hahaa

Unknown said...

Hey, Arlynda stole my line!

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