Wednesday, October 29, 2014


I don't always make sense in the things I do and I'll give you a perfect example. I warn you I may ramble on a bit here though.

When I started this blog I used the email address annandwade042206 at gmail. I don't know why I picked that and I would never want to use anything that long but it is what it is. My email was always forwarded to my iannieam windstream address any way.

When I got my phone my son set up a iannieam gmail account on it for me.  When we gave up windstream as our internet provider I just automatically started using the iannieam gmail account.

Now when I'm on my desktop computer I'm logged in to the annandwade account so that I can do my blogging. When I'm on the laptop I'm logged in to the iannieam account to do my email

I'll insert a random picture here to break the monotony of my boring story.

Oh look, even the picture is boring :)

So back to the account of my google accounts. Most times I prefer to read blogs and comment on the desk top. That way you know it's me and you can respond to my comments. For convenience I'll occasionally use the laptop which may come in as a no reply blogger.
In closing, if you get a comment from Ann Thompson, it's me.


bichonpawz said...

You totally crack me up! I got ya though...I know who you are! I have a whole bunch of addresses too...and I just hope people know who I am! :)

Hootin Anni said...

Your sense of humor makes this post!!

...if that is the case, maybe you want to add a link to THIS post on your profile[s] so we can find you. I added you long ago to my reading list on my sidebar, but occasionally when I read your comments on my blog I click your name link and then...I'm lost and have to go back to my own blog's reading list to get to here.

But,.......this isn't a boring or rambling post in my opinion. It gives your followers a little bit of background.

Hootin Anni said...

ps...I didn't mean a link to this POST, but this BLOG.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

ann whoooo??? i love this ramble.. ramble on... my friend has 3 gmails and gets totally confused on what she can and can't do on each one. I am in worse shape than you, when i started blogging i used my brighthouse email and on all 100 plus things i log into. now if i want to change from brighthouse i would have to go into all 100 accounts and change the email address. so i stay with brighthouse

Lin said...

It's not boring...just everyday life stuff. Sometimes that's what makes your head spin the most.

Marg said...

I agree with Lin,that wasn't boring.It is very confusing all the internet stuff. We like that picture. Funny stuff. Have a great day Ann.

BeadedTail said...

You got through all that with a puppy in the house? He must have been napping! LOL! :)

Sandee said...

What BeadedTail said. I was thinking the same thing.

Have a fabulous day. Scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Sheryl Hastings said...

That's OK, ramble on! Did you know that you can use both accounts on your computer at the same time? You just need two browsers. I have two etsy shops, two gmail addresses, and two yahoo addresses. I keep one firefox brower up with one, and chrome up with the other. All I have to do is bring up both browsers and I can see them all without signing in and out of anything. Makes life easier. Now I'm rambling...

Christine said...

It must be all the new puppy training has you in a spin!!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

As time goes on, we seem to need more and more different passwords and names. Then it gets impossible to remember which one goes where!! So then you try them all on every page, then get furious, and so on...I would know Ann Thompson anywhere!

Grace said...

Don't you always find that rambling posts are the most interesting? I do...

Dee said...

You ramble really well LOL and I got a big chuckle out of the boring photo insert. :)

Unknown said...

Arlynda and her mom had to get new cell phones because their old ones would no longer hold a charge. I plan on publishing an account on how it has been going with the new phones under the title of Outsmarted. Sigh.

Debra Dickinson said...

ANNything but a boring rambler. :)) & AnnieT..... my ID count? 17 & counting. Ugh. :((

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Ha---having several email addressess can be confusing --not only for you/me --but for others... I have some blog friends who keep changing things --and it does get confusing!

George and I are Apple-people and have Macintosh computers. We both have had the same email address for years and years. WELL--Apple changed to ---so some of my email comes to me. com (which is the same as We still prefer to use ---but some people get confused when Apple changes it to me. com.... Are you confused yet????? ha ha ha...


Dr Sonia S V said...

Ann your email rambling made me smile...I can totally relate as I juggle a couple of emails and goggle accounts and manage to confuse myself thoroughly on a regular basis!!
Dr Sonia
Cards Crafts Kids Projects

Donna said...

I think all of your comments on my blog posts come through OK.

Sharkbytes said...

I have been in Google hell for years because I stupidly created two accounts long ago and they won't combine them. I totally understand multiple accounts.

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