Thursday, March 13, 2025

Sew and sew

 I have been several places lately but would you believe I have never even thought to take pictures? I get home and realize I should have gotten something to use for blog material. I guess I'm too excited to just be out of the house.

While I have been spending a lot of time inside at home lately, I have at least been doing something. I've been sewing more.

I did another batch of pouches. These pictures may include some I did already or the sayings on them may be a repeat of the ones I did before.

My next plan is to make some of these using Ginny's suggestion of putting the pretty printed fabric on the outside. 

Tomorrow I have two other sewing projects that I've completed.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

A beautiful day in the neighborhood.

 The temps were in the high 40's. May have reached 50's but I don't remember. I had made a couple more of the zipper pouches. Don't know why this one is coming up sideways. In my download folder it's in portrait. Oh well you get the idea.

Well I decided to take a walk. It was a gray day but it was warm

I walked down to my daughter-in-laws beauty salon and I took all the zipper pouches I had. I figured I would offer her one. While I was there 2 other people were in there also and I also gave each of them one of the pouches. My DIL took the "Don't let today be a waste of makeup". One woman took "Stuff I try not to lose" and the other took "Sh%@ kit"

I've got a few more of these pouches in half done. I can't stop making them. I apparently had an obsession with buying fat quarters for a while and that's on top of all the other fabric I already had in my stash.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Not much

 Monday March 3 was another lazy day. I did do some work on my April Happy Mail card and I got further than I thought I would.

I cut out and assembled 120 pieces. This will create 10 cards.

Sorry only showing the back side for now. I wouldn't want to reveal the card before it's sent out. You might be able to guess what's on the front though.

Other than that it was sitting around watching tv and playing on various devices. While I did all that, Gibbs did this.

For something to do I played with this picture on my phone just a little and made it black and white. Or maybe it was sepia. I can't remember which.

Monday, March 10, 2025

How to spend a cold day

 Sunday March 2nd was a cold snowy day. I spent a whole lot of time on the couch under a blanket. 

It was the perfect day to make some chicken gnocchi soup

This is an Olive Garden copycat recipe that I saved to one of my Pinterest boards. It came from a website called CopyKat recipes. You can find the recipe HERE

This is one of my all time favorite soups.

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