Monday, March 31, 2014

Remember Me?

I can't believe I've neglected the poor blog for over a week. I've tried to keep up with my visits but in the past few days I've even neglected that. Over the past week I have considered doing a post but never got any farther than that. So this week I'm going to make a better attempt at getting back into the swing of things. I'll spend the next several days showing you what mundane fun and exciting things I've been doing.

Today, since it's Monday and not my most ambitious day of the week I'll just tell you that we had more snow over the weekend.
It started snowing Saturday night and by Sunday morning we were covered with wet heavy snow. The sun did come out Sunday and then we had lots of slush and mud. Not the spring time picture I'm looking for but according to what Wade read the other day it's going to take longer than normal to warm up this year. This is due to the fact that lake Erie froze over. If I don't get some spring like weather soon I may have to start crying.


Anonymous said...

Spring is in the way, so you need not cry. Snow will get melted soon and make you happy!

bichonpawz said...

Oh Ann...believe me...I cannot WAIT for this stuff to just STOP already. So tired of it all. It seems as if this has been the longest winter ever! Cannot wait to see Palm Trees, Blue Skies, and Flowers!!

Duni said...

Oh no! Spring is sure taking its time to arrive in your neck of the woods. HOpe the sun comes out at least!

Tanya. said...

We were like that last year but then did end up with a glorious summer Ann so hopefuly you have that to look forward to. Hope spring reaches you soon.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

You DID NOT GET MORE???? From sunny Aruba, sipping my coffee while everyone is sleeping..:)JP

MadSnapper n Beau said...

bob has told me many times how much he hated the slush and that the snow turned black... now i have seen it with my own eyes... hope the sun blazes in the sky and melts it all away....just for you i will do a sun dance for your city....let me know if it works, i might could get paid per dance.

Grace said...

Snowed here on Sunday - today is the last day of March and the winds are ahowl...but the sun is shining and it is supposed to warm up - I'll believe it when I feel it...

Out on the prairie said...

taking its time here also, getting rain today

Sandee said...

It's been raining here. Nice soaking rains. Awesome. We were so very dry.

I've missed you, but sometimes you just need to take a break from blogging. I rarely do, but I get the need to do so.

Have a fabulous day. My very best to Duke. ♥♥♥

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Luckily, we didn't get any snow this past weekend--even though the higher elevations in the Smokies got about 12 inches!!!! GADS!

Maybe Spring is finally coming to our area this week... I hope so since it has been a LONG winter and a crazy one!!!!

P.S. Why don't you blog less often? You are punishing yourself trying to blog.. Blogging should be FUN...

Ginny Hartzler said...

We did too! Maybe our third or fourth spring snow. Phil did not go to church because of it.

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

I'm ready for spring, spring, spring ... and I think it finally found us! But I don't think it's time to pack away the sweaters yet! Katie

Marg said...

I am sure you will not be alone at crying over the darn weather. We got lucky and are having some nice weather at the moment. It is just unreal how bad it has been. Have a good week.

Helen said...

that is just insane, isn't it? We had heavy rain all weekend long. I guess rain is better than snow since it wash off all the salt on the road. Where is Spring?

Dee said...

Your icky snow melt looks like where I live...I have been noticing so many gloves, hats, and other lost objects being exposed....I have also been every lax in posting...lots of stuff going on but not the fun stuff it sounds like you have been doing. I look forward to seeing what you have been up to :)

BeadedTail said...

We have rain but at least it's green and my flowers are blooming. Hope spring comes your way soon!

Lin said...

We had nice weather this weekend--opened the doors and windows....

Didn't you get any of that?

Unknown said...

Hope the sun will melt the snow soon for you. You seem to have had a lot of the white stuff this winter. Weather seems to be brighten up a bit here, nice and cool this morning

Unknown said...

I'm glad you-all didn't lose power from limbs taking down lines after breaking under the weight of the heavy snow.

a paper {life} said...

more snow!!! eeee gads!!!

I won't tell you that here (Vancouver) we are surrounded with tulips, daffs, crocuses and very fragrant cherry blossoms AND I am wearing flip flops (which I wear year round but some people think I am nuts).

my french doors are open and I can hear the chirping of little chickadees. We still have an abundance of snow on the local mountains tho so the view is beautiful.

I love snow only because we don't get very much. Hope it warms up soon for ya.

Sheryl Hastings said...

Don't you just wish it would end? We had two nice days (50's & 60's) but it's over now and we are back into the deep chill. What is going on here?

Sharkbytes said...

Well, at least it was a rather artistic picture of the snow.

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