Saturday, March 22, 2014

Thank you

I want to thank you for the birthday wishes yesterday. I spent the day shopping, kind of sort of. I went out to spend money but couldn't find anything to buy. Then I came home and lounged until Wade came home and then he took me out to dinner.

I was asked yesterday about my email and yes, the old email is no longer working. I'm in the process of getting everything changed over to a gmail account so I should be good to go soon. If I was more in the mood to sit in front of of the computer it would be done by now.

Duke wanted to pop in on all of you and let you know how neglected he is. He says you should all send sympathy.

I'm using an old picture because I'm just that lazy.


bichonpawz said...

Happy Birthday!!

You are supposed to be lazy on your birthday...if you want!

Now...maybe today Duke could have a treat??

MadSnapper n Beau said...

don't forget when you change your email address, to change it on blogger before you can't use the old one to log in. you will be locked out. that happened to another blogger. you use your email to log in at the bank and other places on line, get the new gmail and go use the old one to change to the new... i wanted to change mine but have 100 places that i would have to change. like Amazon and walmart and all bobs magazies good luck

Marg said...

Happy Birthday a day late. Sorry to have missed that. Our Person is just so slack. Poor Duke, are you neglected. You can come visit us any time you want to. Have a great week end.

Hootin Anni said...

You need to perk up girl!!! Chop chop!!!

Going out to dinner is the best birthday gift for me! LOL

Hi Duke!

Katie Sews said...

Happy Birthday to You ... a day late! Hope you continue to celebrate through out the weekend -you deserve it, girl!

Have a great one and bigs b'day hugs to you,

marie said...

Sopping, whether you buy something or not, is a nice way to spend the day. Lounging is an even better way. Not having to cook your own dinner, well that's the best! Have a great weekend....and happy birthday to you!!!

BeadedTail said...

Happy belated Birthday! Sorry I missed your day but am glad you had a wonderful birthday and how great it's followed by two more days off to celebrate too!

Grace said...

You need a vacation or maybe even just a healthy dose of Spring!

Willow said...

Happy belated Birthday ! :))
Duke expects a walk today ~ giggle.

Sandee said...

I'm glad you had a great birthday and saved money too. That's even better.

As for Duke? You need to do whatever he wants to do when he wants to do whatever he wants to do. Did you get all that?

Have a fabulous weekend. My best to my buddy Duke. ♥♥♥

Sharkbytes said...

Happy Birthday, Ann! Duke just wants to come to your party.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Gosh, I didn't know! Belated Happy birthday!!! I am sure that duke will get even more attention on HIS birthday! So where did you go to eat and how was it?

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday... That is GREAT!!!! I'm sure that you made it up to DUKE --and that he got the necessary attention he wanted!!!!! ha....

Send me your new email when you get it.

Unknown said...

Well, well, well, little Missy. Did you enjoy the fabulous present I sent you? Oh, you didn't receive it? Could it be that this is on account of you NEVER SAYING ANYTHING TO ME ABOUT YOUR BIRTHDAY AND NEGLECTING TO PROVIDE DUKE WITH A BELLYFUL OF BACON FAR TOO OFTEN? Yeah, you just think about that.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Happy Belated Birthday, dear blogging friend!

Out on the prairie said...

I know that dog is never neglected.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Duke is jealous because he didn't go out to dinner with you and hubby!!! Don't worry...he'll get over it!...:)JP

Chatty Crone said...

I am glad you had a nice birthday. Like Sandra said - be careful about the changing of the email.

Connie said...

Hello Ann, Happy Birthday!
Don't go having so much fun that your poor little Duke is neglected . . . fat chance, we've all seen how you spoil him, LOL.
Again . . .Happy Birthday!
Connie :)

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday.... belated, but still sent with warmest wishes. xox

Sally said...

Such a cute dog. awwww Sweet! :)

Unknown said...

Glad you had a good day. Nice thing to go out for dinner. And as usual duke looks handsome

Duni said...

Happy belated Birthday Ann!
Most of the time when I go to the shops I come back empty handed ;-) I prefer shopping online anyway! Hope you enjoyed your dinner and Duke looks as cute as ever!

Dee said...

Happy Belated Birthday and let Duke know that he has all my sympathy...poor abused and neglected fella. :)

Reeni said...

Happy Belated Birthday Ann! I hope you had a great day! Hugs to Duke!

Sheryl Hastings said...

Sorry I missed your birthday. So happy belated birthday! I was celebrating my birthday as well. I think we are a day apart, mine was the 23rd. Another year older, but it's better than the alternative I always say.

Catherine said...

I hope you had a terrific birthday Ann!
Pampered pets... they don't know how good they have it do they. LOL!
xo Catherine

Donna said...

Awwww Duke!!! I KNOW Mommy played with you on her Birthday!Hahaaa...
LOVE the photo!

Unknown said...

The party has been long over. Get back with the program!

Antonella said...

Sorry I missed your birthday! Don't you hate it when you go out with the sole intent of buying something and don't find anything??? Hope you are having a wonderful week!
Happy Belated Birthday!!!!
Antonella :-)

Mom2fur said...

Duke is so cute! My friend has two Westies and they are so friendly. I have a chihuahua myself.
Sorry I did not get back to you after your visit to my blog. I've been spending so much time on Pinterest that I neglect my blog. Thanks for stopping by!

Tanya. said...

Hi Ann, a very belated Happy Birthday to you. After an incredibly busy month I have managed to finally get caught up with my blogs and as always it was a pleasure to read your posts and see your pictures and current projects. even better was that I got to see duke again!!

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