Tuesday, November 25, 2014

What I did with my day off

Oh what FUN I had yesterday. In case you missed it there was a bit of sarcasm in that first sentence.  It was rainy and gloomy and the kind of day I would have liked to have stayed in bed all morning.

But there was a bathroom that needed cleaned and there was a little fur ball that needed to go to the vet. Gibbs was due for a shot plus he also has been scratching at his ears a lot. As you'll see in his health report card he's got an ear infection in both ears. She asked if he had had a bath and gotten water in his ears which he hasn't so not sure how he got the infection but he's got drops now and hopefully the itching will stop soon.

I know I shouldn't compare but I have to say when I took Duke to the vet he was always so good, never made a fuss, never cried or even yelped when he got a shot. Now Gibbs on the other hand is major drama king.  This next picture was taken after we got home as proof that the vet did not murder him.

You would have though he was being brutally attacked when the poor girl tried to take his temperature. More crying and yelping followed when they were checking his ears and one last scream when he got the shot.
If that wasn't enough once we got home, heaven forbid anyone should so much as touch the spot where he got his shot. He retold the entire story of the torture he endured. Oh please, I'm the one who should have been crying since I had to pay the bill.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

my first thought is maybe he got snow in his ears... dogs are so different in personality... sorry for the bill and all that drama on your day off..

Sandee said...

Gibbs is a drama king? Oh no. Tell him to man up okay.

Have a fabulous day. My best to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Out on the prairie said...

Al my dogs have started shaking as soon as we pull into the parking. Must be a family trait. LOL

Sheryl Hastings said...

Poor Gibbs! He was violated so horribly. I'm glad he is safely at home now.

Grace said...

Poor sensitive little fella! You realize I am majorly smitten with Gibbs and therefore he can do no wrong in my book...(and no that's not an offer to share custody - I don't think dogs should live in apartments - they need outdoor space.)

Sharkbytes said...

He looks like he plans to be in charge of everything.

BeadedTail said...

Poor little Gibbs! Hope his ears get better soon!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh NO! Well, he is a puppy and Duke was full grown. And each dog has a different personality. Those eyebrows just crack me up!!! I know ear mites are really common in cats, but I don't know about ear infections in dogs, will you be taking him back to check if it is gone?

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh NO! Well, he is a puppy and Duke was full grown. And each dog has a different personality. Those eyebrows just crack me up!!! I know ear mites are really common in cats, but I don't know about ear infections in dogs, will you be taking him back to check if it is gone?

Unknown said...

Both of our remaining pups are the same...as Gibbs. Sigh.

Duni said...

Poor Gibbs! I hope the ear infection clears up soonest! Going to the vet is never fun :-/

Pat said...

Oh bless him, some dogs are terrified. My Paddy is too, so much so, that the vet is letting us come for socialising visits, free of charge, once a week, to help the poor boy.
Would yours do the same for Gibbs?

Dee said...

Poor little Gibbs...I hope he is all better. I see many fun times ahead with your little guy :) I pray you have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day filled with blessings and I want to Thank you for being my blogger friend. :) Dee

Hootin Anni said...

This is Gibbs talking...

"Oh Mom...do you want some whine with that cheese?" "I'm not Duke, so please don't compare me to him...I'm yours now, and love me as I am, just like I love you".

Soooooooooooo darned adorable he is.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Friend, Just stopping by to say Happy Thanksgiving to you. Even in places where Thanksgiving is not celebrated (or celebrated on the 4th Thursday in November like ours is) —it can be a time for each of us to take time to thank God for our blessings and also not to forget the “Giving” in the word, ThanksGIVING. We all have lots of blessings —but many times, we ignore the giving part….Not just on Thanksgiving Day, but all of the time, please take time to contact family/friends just to say HI… And remember that a big SMILE can lift someone’s day…. Little things like that can really HELP..

God Bless…
Happy Thanksgiving.

Mariodacatsmom said...

What a cutiepie he is. We have a cat who howls all the way to the vet in the car. Then he's good as gold when we get there and just cowers in his carrier. I don't know of too many animals who do enjoy going to the vet. Maybe reward him with a treat when you get home so he knows something pleasant happened.

Mariodacatsmom said...
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Antonella said...

Sorry it was such an expensive "adventure" - with all the wet snow today I hope you fared much better!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Hugs, Antonella

Reeni said...

Aww maybe 'cause he's a puppy? I hope he grows out of it. Moon is always good - let's the vet do whatever he wants to him. Sometimes I can't even look. I hope Gibbs ears are better!

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