Sunday, October 4, 2020

Full moon

I was headed out for work the other morning and the big, beautiful full moon was there to greet me. I tried to take a picture with my cell phone but it didnt come out so well


Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, it has rays like the sun! A great effect!!

Hootin Anni said...


The Feminine Energy said...

I think your moon came out quite beautiful, Ann. Going to work "in the dark"... my son does it too and I myself wouldn't like that one bit. I think I'd rather come home in the dark. That would be a good opinion poll, wouldn't it. "Which would you rather.....??" ~Andrea xoxo

crafty cat corner said...

So you're driving to work in the dark now Anne? Is it dark when you come home?

Kate said...

I like the photos.

Pam said...

Nice and bright to help you see your way.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love it, you got the moon and a golden star, add a witch on a broom and you are ready for halloween post..

Jeanette said...

It's beautiful though. Would you believe I actually miss driving to work in the morning when it's dark out?

Rose said...

I think it is quite beautiful, too.

Forsythia said...

Even so, it's amazing what a phone camera can do.

Ann said...

Ginny, that's kind of what all my moon pictures end up looking like

Anni, thanks

Andrea I've never minded going to work in the dark. I used to work later and I found it harder. I was never able to do anything because I didn't want to get started and have to stop to get ready for work and by the time I got home it was too late to do anything then.

Briony, It is dark when I go to work in the morning but I leave at 2:00 pm so it's still light out then

Pam, yep. This morning it was hiding behind a whole lot of clouds.

Cynthia, mine doesn't take very good pictures but I've seen some people who get amazing photos with their phone.

Hootin Anni said...

Ps...that is amazing your Wal-Mart was out of stock on Christmas fabric!

CheerfulMonk said...

Most of our photos aren't perfect, but they are well worth taking. I especially like the first one here. Thank you.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Wow! I love that second photo! It's hard to photograph the did great!

My Tata's Cottage said...

You took some great shots! My sis reminded me of the Harvest Moon the other night and we had been out running an errand and I captured it on the iphone. Not terrific but still pretty and so orange!Thanks for sharing. XO XO HUGS and LOVE

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Every once in awhile I get a moon photo but most of the time they just don't turn out. We had the most beautiful moon over the Utah mountains driving last week. I could not get a photo.

CrystalChick said...

I really enjoy looking at the full moon. I don't usually get great pics... but they are still all nice though because of the lovely glow.

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