Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Sunday evening I heard a loud noise outside and when I looked out the window I saw what I thought was fireworks. More sparks flying and a closer look told me that someone had just hit a telephone pole one street over from me.
Now don't ask me why, but I went out and headed up there. I don't have any medical training of any kind but I thought I could at least make sure that someone had been called. I think half the neighborhood turned out and we all stood around talking about what we saw or heard. (so little excitement in a small town.)

The driver was along except for a dog. The driver was about mid twenties and it looked like his head hit the windshield. He was up and walking. Someone said that when he got out of the car he started walking and saying he had to go pick up his wife and they told him no you need to sit down. The dog didn't appear to be hurt at all but it was very nervous and not willing to go to anyone. It kept running around barking and try as we might we could not catch it. It ended up running off down the street. Someone did go looking for it and I do hope they found it.
These aren't great pictures but you can kind of see they have the car up on the truck and the front end is all smashed in.
After I walked back home, being a real blogger I went up and took these pictures out my bedroom window.


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

What a terrible accident! I hope that young man will be OK--sometimes it takes a few days for the full head trauma to reveal itself. I wonder how he got distracted and hit that pole?

Duni said...

What an awful accident! Hope the man is okay and someone is taking care of the poor dog!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i hope someone got the dog for him, that would be horrible to get out of the hospital and have lost the dog to...

Anonymous said...

Fingers crossed the dog is found and fine!

Unknown said...

Yep, the description of the dog's actions have all of the classic signs of being worried about the cops showing up at the scene. Since I graduated from a CSI correspondence course with honors, I know that I should keep my speculatin' to a minimum until more evidence can be gathered and examined, but it sure sounds like that dog had been doin' some pimpin'!

Sandee said...

I too hope the dog is found and okay. Poor thing. We worry more about our babies than we do humans.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. ☺

Donna said...

A True Blue Blogger!!Hahaaaa
Good reporting girl! Hope they found the dog and the guy is alright!

BeadedTail said...

Hope the dog was found and is alright! I think the man's wife is gonna be a little perturbed about the car but she'll be thankful he's okay. Great reporting Ann!

Jille said...

Glad to see that you always consider your blogging friends!

Chatty Crone said...

So young to hit a pole in broad daylight like that!

Marg said...

Sure hope they found the poor dog. That was too bad. Take care.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Such excitement. Reminds me of the times when I was a teen (and could drive). Everytime there was a fire in town and the fire whistle blew, I'd jump in the car (parents didn't know it) and follow the firetrucks to find out what was going on. Such excitement--but I shouldn't have done it. Oh Well...

Hope the man was okay--and hope they found the dog.

Donna said...

Gosh, poor fellow and doggy! Hope the doggy got caught.

Tamago said...

Oh gosh, how scary! I hope the dog was taken back and safe.

Marie said...

Hope the puppy dog was found. :)
I see accidents all the time,unfortunately.

Reeni said...

I hope someone found the dog! He must of been scared silly. Hope the guy is ok too.

Lin said...

Oh no! I sure hope everyone is okay after that. I worry about the dog more than the guy. Hope it worked out okay for them.

Dee said...

You indeed are a true blogger LOL...hopefully the boy is OK and the dog will find it's way home.

Small Town Mommy said...

I hope he and the dog were okay (and the dog was found).

Tanya. said...

Glad the driver was OK, really hope they found the dog unharmed too.

Sharkbytes said...

Hmmm. Sounds like he not only couldn't pay attention driving, but didn't know enough to follow instructions for his own health. Hope they found his dog.

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