Monday, June 24, 2013

Yard sale find

What a beautiful weekend it was. I hate that it's Monday again and back to the daily grind. While I'm heading off to work Duke said he would show you what I found at the yard sales on Saturday.

I don't have to go to work like mom does but I hate Mondays just as much because I can't go outside until mom and dad get back home. I do get to take lots of naps though.

Here's what mom spent $2.00 on at the yard sale. Dad and I both just sort of shook our head at her but we both told her that if that's what makes her happy then it's ok with us.

Mom said that she's seen angels made out of the shutters and that's her plan for them. Dad said that her plan is more like letting them sit in the basement and collect dust. I wonder which one of them is right.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I can think of a million things to do with these! They have them on Pinterest as photo holder/bulletin boards.I have never seen the angels, though.

Tanya. said...

I can't wait to see an angel emerge from the shutters...i can't quite imagine it so I am intrigued!!

crafty cat corner said...

I'm intrigued by this post, Make Angels out of a shutter ????
I wait to see what you mean.

Sheryl Hastings said...

If Mom is happy, everyone is happy! I'm on Mom's side, I say she will get busy and turn them into something cute.

Helen said...

I saved a similar door for 7 years then last week I trashed it. I can't wait to see your angels made from this.

SarahGeorge said...

I agree with Sheryl! "If mom is happy, everyone is happy!":) Have a wonderful day Ann!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

well, Duke my man, I am with you and dad on this one, all i see is shutters... can't wait to see what mom does with them and WHEN if they were 36 wide i could block the sun with them

Chatty Crone said...

I could think about doing something with them - but I don't have the ability to do it!!! I bet you will though. Love, sandie

Donna said...

I am sooooo jealous! I would love to have those for photo backdrops! And such a steal on the price too. You lucky duck!

Anonymous said...

I can easily see how you can make angels from these - they're gonna be honking big angels tho...

Sandee said...

Okay Ann, show them they are wrong and make those angels. I want to see them.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. ☺

Donna said...

I see a headboard for a twin bed...OR, Angels...Hahaaa

Marie said...

What a bargain! I would use these on my kitchen window. Looking forward to seeing your mom make these into Angels. :)
Your so cute Duke!

BeadedTail said...

Angels huh? I'll just have to wait and see since I don't see it yet!

Hootin Anni said...

Well, I've heard of dust BUNNIES...maybe there is bit of angelic mischief in your two 'boys'...heck, dust Angels'll work for me!

Can't wait. Get busy.

Unknown said...

I must say that I am very impressed with your daddy right now, my dear Duke, but always side with your mommy if you want to keep the bacon frying. Alas, that is just the way it is in this world.

Unknown said...

I'm looking forward to see what you decide to make of's very cool! Have a great day!

Jille said...

I do wish my dogs would blog when I'm at work instead of just lounging about on the sofa! Well actually their spelling is not that good. Glad to see Duke is holding the fort though.

Dee said...

I have seen angles made with them and they are adorable. Good purchase.

Reeni said...

At first I thought it said 200 dollars! I freaked out a little haha.

Sharkbytes said...

I am sure your creation will be awesome. Very good buy for $2

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