Saturday, September 14, 2013

Here we go again

I'm keeping my eyes closed. Do you know why?

She's going to do it again, that's why. Tomorrow she's going to start showing more craft projects. If I were you, I would close my eyes now before she gets the next post in.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Awww, Duke, you looks so cute and fluffy today!! Hey, would you like it if she made some Duke crafts, you would be a perfect subject!

Duni said...

What a sweet pic of you, Duke!
Can't wait to see your Mommy's crafts :)

Unknown said...

Awwwww...Duke you're too cute. I'm looking forward to see all the crafts

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love your squinty eye look... i thought you were getting furs in your eyes or maybe had camera flash blindness...can't wait to see what mom has been up to

Hootin Anni said...

...waiting on pins and needles. Crafty way of jotting down my thoughts, don't you think Duke?

You're such a handsome one.

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Happy craft show time of year! Can't wait to see what you've made.

Have a great weekend, Ann!

Sandee said...

We love to see you and we love to see what your mom is making too. It will be fine. She can feature you in some of them you know.

Have a woof woof day. My best to your mom. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my!! Thank you for the warning, Duke! Perhaps you could help her?

Marg said...

Well Duke, we are so glad to see you and we do look forward to seeing Mom's crafts. They are always good. Take care and have a great week end.

Grace said...

Personally - I'm looking forward to it!

Unknown said...

Alas, we all suffer when she gets crafty, my dear Duke.

Chatty Crone said...

Duke you are her first love!

BeadedTail said...

We love seeing you Duke but we love seeing her crafts too so we can't wait!

Nancy said...

It's hard to argue with such a sweet boy, but perhaps we can have both Duke and crafts on one page? :)

Sharkbytes said...

Duke, it's a scrap and edit blog, not just for you, arf,arf

Marie said...

This is so funny and cute!

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