Monday, September 9, 2013


Sunflowers just make me happy. I love the look, I love the color. It made me really happy when I finally got Wade to stop mowing down the ones that were trying to grow under the bird feeder. He's even liking them and said that next year he'll know not to mow them over and maybe we'll have even bigger ones.

Just a little playing I did with a close up of one of them.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I would LOVE to have my own little patch like yours! And the edit...I would have thought that editing like this would just dim the sunny beauty, but far from it. It looks so beautifully elegant.

bichonpawz said...

What gorgeous sunflowers! I grew them at the cottage one year... But haven't gotten there early enough in the past couple of years to plant! LOVE the editing!

Antonella said...

This is gorgeous! Don't you ever sleep, I thought I was the only one up at 3:00 am :-)
Seriously, this is so pretty, I may want to use it on one of my cards! I really have to learn how to make my pictures gorgeous like you do!
Hugs, antonella :-)

Pat said...

LOVE your 'playing' ! That's so beautiful and I'm glad you get to keep the real ones! xx

Duni said...

They look so cheerful! I like effect in the second photo!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Ann, when we were out over the weekend, I just told the Pres that we didn't get any near our feeder and was feeling sad so yours boosted me too!...:)JP

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Us too. Saw lots of them on our walk. Sending you Lots of Happy Monday SMILES. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sunflowers are my favorite flower and next is their sister the daisy. i would love to have this little patch.... we tried planting seeds along the fence, but someone kept walking on the plants and they did not grow. i wanted to plant them in a pot, but so far bobby appleseed has not. love the edit.

Grace said...

Now, see - I like that photo - its got some pizazz and ...I don't know - just something (tho I keep thinking I want to see the center a little sharper not so faded out...Those that can, do, those who can't, offer suggestions LOL)

Catherine said...

Sunflowers really are happy flowers aren't they?
xo Catherine

marie said...

I want to plant sunflowers next a circle. I think my grandkids would love to "hide" inside of it!
Love the close-up photo!!

Chatty Crone said...

I love sunflowers too - and they make ME happy too!

Small Town Mommy said...

Those are so pretty and festive. I can understand why you didn't want them mown down.

Sandee said...

I too love sunflowers and they will get mighty tall if you let them. You'll enjoy them next year I'm sure.

I got the package yesterday and those acorns are even cuter in person than in your photographs. Thanks for all the extra goodies too. My house smells wonderful.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. ☺

Helen said...

I love these smaller ones and your photo shop is always fun to look at.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

As you know, I also love Sunflowers. We don't have any in our yard ---but we see them around at times. We love the ones at Biltmore.


BeadedTail said...

The Kansan in me will always love sunflowers no matter where I call home now!

Marie said...

You have out done yourself!!! These are gorgeous! Love what you did while playing. :)

Unknown said...

It really blew my mind the first time I came across a huge field full of sunflowers, with them all facing the sun.

Donna said...

They are everywhere down here...they grow like a weed.
Pretty edit!!

Dee said...

wonderful editing of the sun flower...i love them too. :)

Donna said...

I adore them too! I think I'll plant a few seeds in my tiny little flower beds next year, LOL. Your artistic photo is glorious!

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