Tuesday, August 26, 2014

A request

A small request today that you keep Duke in your thoughts. He hasn't been feeling well and had to go to the vet yesterday

His breathing is very fast, he hasn't been eating and in general just not acting like himself. The vet took x-rays, blood work and a few other tests and believes that it could be pneumonia. She put him on a steroid and antibiotic to start with. He goes back on Friday for a follow up to see if the medication is helping at all. Giving him pills is usually quite easy since I just wrap it in some food and give it to him. Not so easy when he's not interested in eating. We have to do it the hard way. No fun for either of us. He's not totally out of it but you can tell he's not himself.  He didn't even lift his leg one single time while we were at the vets and we were there for over 2 hours. Being the nice little guy he is, he did greet the other dogs in the waiting room and shared friendly sniffs with them.


Willow said...

Sending well wishes for Duke ~
and hoping his recovery is swift.
Hugs to you both,

Deb said...

Sending healing energy to Duke and positive thoughts that he will be back to his wonderful spunky self very soon. Hugs to you, I know how frightening it is when our fur kids are not feeling well :O(

Ginny Hartzler said...

Awww, poor sweet Duke, I am worried. But glad that you take such care of him. Please keep us posted! I will say a prayer tonight at bedtime.

Jille said...

Sending Duke lots of healing thoughts. We have all grown to love that little man and wish him a speedy recovery x

Duni said...

Keeping sweet Duke in my positive thoughts and prayers. Hope he feels better soon. ((hugs))

MadSnapper n Beau said...

praying now for healing for Duke.. and that those meds will do the trick... hugs from me to Duke and keep us posted...poor guy he can't say what is wrong, we have to read them and watch for changes in behavior. you were a good mommy reader.

Donna said...

Poor little fella! Get well soon, Duke!

Out on the prairie said...

dissolve them and use a syringe, get well Duke

Sharkbytes said...

Hope he gets well soon!

BeadedTail said...

Oh noes! We're sending lots of purrs and prayers for Duke to get well soon! Give him smooches for our Mommy too!

Anonymous said...

Prayers for Duke.

Hugs and loves.

Bossy Betty said...

Sending lots of positive thoughts for Duke!

Sandee said...

I've been sending prayers since yesterday. Get well Duke. There are so many that love you.

Have a terrific day and my very, very best to my buddy Duke. ♥♥♥

Grace said...

I hope all goes well and health is restored quickly.

Hootin Anni said...

NO!!!! It can't be so. Please, please dear god...hope the meds help!!!

We're pulling for you to recover fully Duke!

Marie said...

I'm so sorry to hear that Duke doesn't feel well. I'll keep you both in my prayers and thoughts.
I just know Duke will be fine!

Dr Sonia S V said...

Praying for Duke ...I know how worried you must be. Our own dog Goldy was diagnosed with the deadly tick fever last friday and is on antibiotics for it. Thankfully he seems to be responding but its crazy giving mine medicines. Hoping Duke gets well real soon.Do keep us updated

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh Ann, this makes me sad.. I am so sorry that Duke is sick. I know that you are worried sick about him.. He (and you) are both in my prayers.. Please keep us posted....Much Love and HUGS,

Unknown said...

Get well soon little man. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Stephanie Faris said...

So sorry to hear your little guy isn't feeling well. He's adorable. I hope he's feeling better.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Oh, I know that awful feeling when our pet is sick. I am praying for Duke that he recovers quickly!

Wow, how does a dog get pneumonia?

Reeni said...

Sending Duke big hugs and kisses! Hope he feels better quickly!!

bichonpawz said...

Many healing thoughts for Duke!!! I somehow missed this yesterday! I sure hope he is feeling better today...prednisone is no fun at all...it makes me CRAZY and very fat...and also very HUNGRY!!

Unknown said...

Oh how we hope he gets to feeling better soon. Hey, even our kitties are in agreement with this!

Donna said...

Oh Ann! As you can see, I also have not been on the blog much lately Either!
Lordy! I'm praying for the little Dukester...I HATE when our sweet babies get sick!!
Hang in there!

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