Tuesday, September 9, 2014


I hope there is someone out there who can help me escape the torture my human is putting me through. She took me to that drug pushing place yesterday. They injected me with more poison and sent her home with more vials of things which I will never take willingly.

Twice a day that human tries to make me take those things and I refuse with every ounce of energy I have. I got her good this morning though. I chomped down on her finger twice. Of course I didn't mean to and I can't help it if she stuck her finger in my mouth while I was in clamp down mode.

I'm not trusting any food that she tries to give me either. The male human doesn't seem to be in on this conspiracy so I will take food offered by him..

My breathing is a little bit better and that drug pusher said that I need to keep taking those things in the bottles.


crafty cat corner said...

Please get well quick Duke, we are all rooting for you.
Hugs to you both

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my poor sweet pup... so sorry you are sick AND being tortured by your mom..Mom, Jake has a pill he refuses to take.. i found one way to get it in him. i spread peanut butter on a slice of white spread and cut in 1 inch strips... i break his big pill in 4 pieces and put a piece in the strip and roll it up and smash it so the smell can't get out. when bob eats a meal, breakfast usually, while Jake is begging, bob pretends to eat the PB bread and hands it to Jake, he swallows it whole... he will not take it from me or from bob unless we do it exactly that way..

MadSnapper n Beau said...

PS we tried every thing from burger to cheese to those little expensive treats with holes in them,

Marg said...

Oh Duke, try not to bite the Mom. We sure send lots of purrs that you can get better really soon so you don't have to take those pills any more.Happy Tuesday to all of you.

Lin said...

Gotta get better, Duke. And that means taking the meds, sorry to say. :(

Out on the prairie said...

Hope this gets over soon

Willow said...

We are routing for you Duke .
You must be a good boy and take your medicine so you get strong and all better.
Sending love and well wishes,
Willow and the farm gang

Donna said...

Take that medicine, Duke, and please be kind to your mom because she is trying to get you well!

Unknown said...

I am so sorry, Duke. I have told her on several occasions that all you need is a big slab of bacon to cure all of your ills, but she won't listen to me, either. A couple more chomps on her fingers might help reinforce her training, though. Alas, a really good puppy-mama is sometimes so hard to find.

marie said...

Sure hope you get well soon sweet Duke! Be nice to Ann...she's doing what's best for you!

Sharkbytes said...

My Golden Retriever friend Sandy recommends Greenies Pill Pockets for Dogs. Her human gives her pills every day, and Sandy takes them willingly in these. Get well soon, Duke!

Grace said...

I have to suggest this to the human but there is an inexpensive device called 'pill popper' - I don't like meds either but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do -

Sandee said...

You've got to take your medication Duke. You'll get better when you do. I'm just saying.

Have a woof woof day. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥♥♥

Duni said...

Oh Duke sweetie, I'm keeping you in my thoughts and sending healing prayers. I hope those pill poppers as mentioned above work!!

Marie said...

poor sweet Duke! It's all for your own good. :) Try not to hurt your mommy's fingers. lol She needs them to take care of you. :)
You're all staying in my prayers.
hugs from me to you both!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I was worried when I saw your title! Well, maybe both mom AND dad should do a little ganging up...OH your poor fingers!!! Soon YOU will need a doctor as well!

Molly Smith said...

Checking in on Duke and I see I should be checking in on YOU also. Hoping he gets better with each day :) hugs xo (and a gentle rub for Duke)

BeadedTail said...

Poor Duke! We know meds are icky but you need them to feel better. It's not fair that your mom is the bad one so maybe your dad can give you some meds tucked in food of course. We're sending purrs for you to get better very soon!

Hootin Anni said...

Duke...don't bite the hand that feeds you. It's all to make you better!!! Trust her.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Ah Duke, I hope that you will continue to feel better soon.. Your Mama is doing everything in the world possible to keep you healthy.. Quit fighting her --and take your medication... That will help you SO much!!!!!


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Sending you Golden Healing Thoughts. You have to be a good boy, Duke and follow your mom's order. Golden Woofs

Dr Sonia S V said...

I was actually going to write to you to ask how Duke was..glad to hear he is improving well enough to give you a crunch!!

Dee said...

Poor Duke..do what your mommy tells you to do...we want you well.

Chatty Crone said...

Duke I understand, but there are times when you have to do some things you don't want to do - to get better! Do what they tell you.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Oh, dear boy, so sorry that you are still fighting this illness! It has been a long time. Hope you can shake it soon and you and your mom can get back to doing fun stuff for a change. Raider sends his love too!

Sheryl Hastings said...

Take it from me Duke, you gotta do what the drug pusher says to do. I know for a fact that the humans you live with would never do anything to hurt you. I really hope you feel better soon. Maybe someday I can sneak out, head your way, and we can do guy things.

Feel better!
From Bubba

Connie said...

Hi Ann, I am so happy that you posted today. I was getting worried. It is good to hear that Duke is on the mend:)

Pat said...

So sorry to read that your boy hasn't been too well. Fingers tightly crossed for a speedy return to health xx

Twinkle Terrior said...

Duke - we are praying for you constantly ! Hang in there sweet pup and take your meds :) oxox

Donna said...

Bless your sweet little heart! Feel better soon!

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Hey Ann ... send me a note and let me know how Duke is doing on his new meds ... hope you can have a nice weekend ... Katie

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Hope Duke is getting better!

Molly Smith said...

Thinking about you and Duke! hugs xo

Reeni said...

I hope you're feeling better Duke! That human means well and since she's bigger than you you should do what she wants you to. Sending big HUGS. xo

Anonymous said...

Just reading this now and hoping Duke is doing much better. We sometimes have to use the Pill Pockets to get meds into our pups. They usually work. Poor Duke.

Hootin Anni said...

Just checking back to see if Duke is improving!?!!

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