Wednesday, September 17, 2014

My poor neglected blog

I thought I should stick my head in here for a few minutes to at least dust the cob webs off. It's been next to impossible to write a blog post since I have absolutely nothing positive to say. Too many things lately are dragging me down and the last thing I want to do is be a whiny blogger.

I know you're all wondering about Duke and I wish I could say that he's completely recovered but that hasn't happened. Some days I think he's better, some days I think he's worse. He does eat a little bit every day but he's very selective. The pills remain an issue. He knows I'm incompetent and he plays on that big. As of yesterday I'm taking him in to the vets office twice a day so they can give him his pills. No matter what I do I can't get them down him. I've got the pill popper and yes I can get the pill in his mouth but I can't make him swallow it. I've also tried the treats that are designed to wrap around a pill. He won't eat those.

Other than that, my creative mojo has up and left me, my brain is fried and my energy took a hike. None of that makes for an entertaining post.

I'm hoping that there's a ghost of a chance that I can get back to a regular schedule of posting and about something fun or at the very least something that isn't so poor poor pitiful me.


Marg said...

So sorry to hear that Duke isn't doing any better. We hope he takes a turn for the better really soon. We sure understand not doing to blog with so much going on in your life. Not to worry. Please give that Duke boy a hug for us.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

as soon as our sweet Duke is better your mojo will return. we will all be waiting. and this is my kind of post. i loved it... hugs to both of you

Chatty Crone said...

Duke comes first. You know what we put Disco's pill in liverwurst (yuck) and he loves it. I hope he gets well soon!

Unknown said...

Have you considered suppositories? I would offer that they might help with your own doldrums, but that might be crossing the line too far. So, I won't.

Hootin Anni said...

LOL....I read Jerry's comment and it cracked me up [no pun on words here].

Sorry to hear that Duke isn't better. It worries me. But let's hope that going to the vet pays off and he improves now, by the day.

Don't worry 'bout bloggin' and mojo...we all go thru that and you have way too much on your plate these days.

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Mom Kim here - I know this may sound simple(that's how I am) have you tried sticking the pill in a glob of peanut butter - gotta have the pill totally encased in the peanut butter. In the meantime, I will try thinking of other methods.

So sorry to hear that Duke is not doing well - hopefully by going to vet so you know he is getting his pill, that will get the feel better going really soon.

And like others have said - blogging is really a lesser thing right now - you have got more important stuff to deal with. The blog will be here when you are ready. And that mojo-stuff - it comes and goes with me - I do what I can, WHEN I can.

Grace said...

Makes me a bit sad to hear how things are going for you lately. With cats once you get the pill in their mouths you can hold their mouths closed and rub their throat to massage it down - guess that doesn't work for dogs...Can't convey how very much I hope that your world starts brightening up...

Sandee said...

I think Duke is the main issue here. I would be a mess if Little Bit was sick. I'm glad you're taking him to the vet for this medication. Hopefully it will work and soon.

Have a fabulous day honey. Big hugs to you and my very best to my buddy Duke. ♥♥♥

Duni said...

Thanks for checking in and for the update on Duke! It saddens me that he's not getting better :( How frustrating! I'm really glad that you'r taking him to the vet to have the pill administered. I can't get a pill down Molly's throat either. Some pets can smell the pill even when it is entirely covered. Keeping all of you in my thoughts!

BeadedTail said...

Sorry to hear that Duke isn't all better yet. Hope things turn around for both of you very soon! Sending you positive thoughts and hugs!

Out on the prairie said...

Sorry to hear your life is so bumpy. I wish I could wave a wand for you. Time is perhaps what will make it better. I dissolve pills sometimes and squirt them down for my critters.Get well Duke.

Marie said...

We just want Duke to get better and you will back to your happy self. :) You both remain in my thoughts. :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

I think you are depressed, and no wonder with poor Duke's situation. We have the pill popper, and I am able to get it way in the back of the cats throat. But when I push the plunger it goes sideways and the cat walks in circles foaming from the mouth.

Lin said...

Aw, bugger. I'm sorry that stinker is giving you a hard time. I find that you gotta show them who's boss--but that's hard to do. I always end up crying and telling them that I am just trying to help.

Don't worry about the blog. The more you worry about it, the worse it is. Just keep it there and we will check back on you. I fully understand---I am trying to work out of a funk too. It will come, my friend. It will come.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Prayers for you, Sweet Ann... Just know that we all love you and are praying not only for Duke but also for you.

Just remember also that there's more to this life than BLOGGING. As much as I enjoy it, I have learned that it is just a tiny piece of my busy life.. I want to do it ONLY when I enjoy it. You should never feel guilty...

Hugs and Prayers,

Pat said...

Glad that you're taking Duke to the vet to get his pills in. Fingers tightly crossed he perks up from now. It can't be easy for you and blogging is the last thing you should worry about. You're probably worn out with worry over Duke, so please, take time for you, so that you have a chance to recover, just like Duke.
Take care xx

marie said...
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