Monday, September 29, 2014

Something old and something new

I'm going to to finish up an old story today and then tell you a new one.

Long time readers here will remember the flooding problem we've had in the back yard and all the work that was done to try and correct it. If you want to see how bad my back yard used to get you can look at this post

Well the work was completed this year and it seemed like it took forever for them to get here because of how wet the spring started out.

But hey, they did eventually get here and the work was completed. I can't say that I'm entirely satisfied with my lawn but we went the entire summer with NO flooding.  We no longer have to stand by the basement door and watch for water to come in.

Here's what the back yard looks like now. I swear they must have used the cheapest grass seed they could find. Not only did it not come up very good but it's more weeds than grass.

After this was planted we ended up digging up another section when we put in the patio and we also installed a drain from our back door to the new drainage pipe they put in. That way any water that may accumulate near the back door will now go be drained off.

Since we dug that part up we planted grass ourselves.  This is a picture of the grass we planted.

This is what they planted.

Will we complain to them about it? Maybe, maybe not. 

So the new story.
A few days ago, Wade comes in and says that while he was sitting on the back step smoking his cigarette a little white butterfly was flitting around the back yard. Then he said it was the oddest thing, it landed on his leg and sat there for a few minutes. He said it must have been sent by Duke. 

All weekend long we've been seeing these little white butterflies (probably more likely moths) flying around the back yard. The timing of their appearance could be coincidental but we think not. 


Unknown said...

Please advise Wade to refrain from entertaining such sentimental thoughts. For we manly men do not do this, but we do allow our women to. 'Tis part of our charm, you know.

Pat said...

Oh yes, your grass better! Will you overseed the other stuff?
Bless, I think Duke is making sure you are comforted xx

Duni said...

That is a beautiful ending to your story! I believe that was Duke sending a message...
I hope your the rest of your grass recovers!

bichonpawz said...

I agree... Duke is watching over you guys! The grass you planted looks so much better! Glad you do not have flooding anymore!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sweet duke is sending you butterflies to heal your heart.. brahaha on Jerry comment about men... to funny.
i think throwing out the seed like you planted might be the way to go... yours is so pretty. but soon it will not matter so you can wait until next summer to decide.... glad the flooding problem is gone. who does the hay belong to

Lin said...

Just go buy some grass seed and toss it on top of what they put down. Local government doesn't have the time or money to put into decent grass seed, but at least they got it started. Now is the time to set seed, so just go get a bag or two and thank your lucky stars the yard is not going to flood anymore. Hooray!! May bad grass be the worst of it, right?

Love the butterfly. I think it is Duke too.

Out on the prairie said...

Seed can really make different mixes and one needs to look it over. Theres has a lot of annual rye and will not return next year. Overseed your yard with the blend that worked well for you. Like the moth.

Hootin Anni said...

I would like to think that Duke had something to do with the butterflies [they ARE white!!!] That little ditty made tears well up again.

As for your grass...what a hoot. Y'never know just what a company will do to cut back on costs. Obviously this time weed seed.

Sheryl Hastings said...

I do agree that your grass is much nicer. Such a pretty green. And I do remember your flooding. I felt so bad for you.

As for the butterflies, I definitely do believe that Duke has his little paw in this one. I think he knows how upset you've been and he wants to comfort you.

I had a situation after each of my first two pets died and I knew in my heart that both of them were messages. I haven't had anything from Mr. Patches yet, but maybe someday. I'm hoping he's not mad at me for letting my son take him after he moved out.

Sandee said...

Their grass looks horrible. Horrible.

I think it's Duke telling you he'll always be with you and you'll always be with him. Precious.

Have a terrific day my friend. ♥♥♥

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your own grass is so much better! No doubt they used the worst and cheapest grass they could find. Oh, sweet Duke. Maybe there are white butterflies at the Rainbow Bridge. Not a coincidence I think, Duke and the butterflies were both white.

Donna said...

I do believe that Duke was sending you a sign and expressing his love and gratitude!

Grace said...

Quality always wins out...Butterfly spirits - yes.

Dee said...

Such sweet thoughts about the butterfly's...if he could I am sure Duke would send them.. Glad your flooding problem is resolved..that is pretty puny seeding they least it is not permanent.

Christine said...

So patchy. Definitely a cheap job but at least your seed came up well!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Now if those little white butterflies start leaving poops, I would think that Duke invited a few new friends to break in that awesome green grass!...:)JP

BeadedTail said...

Your grass looks way better!

I agree, the butterflies are a sign from Duke! I believe they do come back to let us know they're okay across the Bridge and how lovely for Duke to choose his sign to be a butterfly!

Chatty Crone said...

I think the butterflies could remind you of Duke. So I would complain about the grass - although they did get the water problem fixed!

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

That was Duke saying hi and thanking you for all the love you gave him during his life.


Molly Smith said...

I gasped when I read about the white butterflies, I have seen them once. Have you googled the meaning? WOW

I love everything about your home and the big spaces. How nice to have the drain issue repaired! I cannot imagine having that problem.

Ida said...

Yep that was "cheap" grass they used. We had part of our lawn dug up for meter work and they replanted with seed, it wasn't so great and basically died so we now have a nice dead looking patch of grass.
How cool about the White Butterflies. I'm glad they bring you comfort after the loss of your sweet Duke.

CrystalChick said...

Wow, that was some flooding in the other photos, glad it's better now.
Your grass is definitely nicer!
Sure, the butterflies probably were from Duke! Sweet! After a recent family tragedy we were out on a day trip and saw some lovely butterflies. It reminded me of those who'd recently passed and that they are free.

marie said...

Those butterflies are definitely not coincidental!

Marie said...

You could say something about the grass nicely, you never know
Oh Ann, Duke is with you. I love this for you and hubby. hugs!

Sharkbytes said...

Your grass is greener. Love the idea of the butterfly being Duke!

Jille said...

We have a little robin that just appears. We think that it is a little message from my Dad x

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