Tuesday, December 30, 2014

HDR fun

I've always been fascinated by HDR photography. HDR stands for  High Dynamic Range and to briefly explain what it is I took the following from Lifehacker
HDR, as its name implies, is a method that aims to add more "dynamic range" to photographs, where dynamic range is the ratio of light to dark in a photograph. Instead of just taking one photo, HDR uses three photos, taken at different exposures. You can then use image editing software to put those three images together and highlight the best parts of each photo.

Now here I go talking about my new phone again. The camera has a one click edit to turn pictures into HDR pictures.
I took this one of my neighbors back yard. This is the original picture right off the camera with nothing done to it. It was a bit dark and gloomy this morning.

One click and a slight crop later it looked like this.

Granted it's no masterpiece but I love the look. 
If you would like to see some beautiful examples of HDR photography check out the gallery at Captain Kimo's


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my gosh, what a huge difference. I love what you did, and it is so much more stunning than the original!! So do you get to choose between several looks, or does it convert it into one?

bichonpawz said...

I have that fascination too...but prefer to use my iphone for photography because I always have it with me and with all the apps available, I can really go to town!! What kind of phone did you get Ann? That picture looks great!

Unknown said...

Wow, that is quite a difference!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is beautiful in the second shot.. i use HDR on PicMonkey a lot and never tell anyone. the one on picmonkey you can drag the sliders and adjust to taste...

Out on the prairie said...

A point and shoot Sony I looked at shoots three and makes the best from that. I will have to read more into this.Happy New Year

Sandee said...

Wow, that's pretty cool. I love the edited shot. Wow.

Have a fabulous day. My very best to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Duni said...

Me too, Ann! It's amazing how HDR transforms an ordinary photo! Yours looks fantastic :)

Donna said...

Thanks for the links Ann...This is Beautiful!

Grace said...

Don't you have to take 3 photos to make an HDR edit? Or did you indeed take 3 photos of the same scene? I've tried doing an HDR edit but the app always asks for me to upload 3 pictures...

jp@A Green Ridge said...

oh is that what it does? I was afraid to use it on my iPad/iPhone...thanks, Ann! Great shot by the way!...:)JP

BeadedTail said...

Have no clue what that entails but the results are incredible!

Catherine said...

The photos look great!
Happy New Year. xo Catherine

Hootin Anni said...

That's an amazing turn around!!! Wow.

Sharkbytes said...

A friend of mine uses this app and her pictures are stunning! I tried to see if there was a version for not on a phone, and there is, but it required installing a third party software, and I wasn't sure about that.

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