Monday, December 29, 2014

Just stuff.

Since I've been a wee bit absent for the past few days I thought it would be a good idea to drop in on the blog.
I suppose I could talk about my Christmas but frankly I'd rather not. It's over, time to move on.
The biggest thing I've been doing aside from work is playing with the camera on my phone. 
I took this picture

Then did all the editing in my phone. I straightened it then added a vintage effect and a frame.

Then I went in search of an app to make collages. I found tons of them that were all free and I picked one. I wish I could tell you the name of it but I forget what it is and it's already been deleted from my phone. The app itself was fine but it had pop up ads that were coming up constantly while I was trying to make the collage. Then of course because these ads were coming up unexpectedly I would tap on them by mistake and go to a website to download something that I had absolutely no interest in. The app just wasn't worth keeping with all the frustration. I'll find another one to download and hope they don't do the same thing.

I couldn't resist putting that little crown sticker on Gibbs since he's pretty much king of the castle around here.


Duni said...

I love the effect on the little bird house! The crown suits Gibbs very well :) I haven't tried anything like that on my phone yet.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Awww, I love the one of Gibbs sleeping. And I do like the edit of the house much better than the real picture!

Pat said...

Love the bird house, both before and after.
Gibbs looks adorable, no matter what you do to him.
It was our first Christmas with Paddy. It seemed strange Missy not being there, I'm guessing you felt the same re Gibbs and Duke. *hugs*

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I have no dea what app is God for a phone bt I have enough to play with on the laptop!! Gibbs looks more like a Jester to me!!!...:)JP

Marg said...

Look Gibbs does sleep. He is just so cute. We like what you did to that picture.
Also we sure do thank you for all your kind prayers and nice words for Joe. Poor little donkey has had a rough time.Take care

Hootin Anni said...

Gibbs is king? Oh oh...'nother need to make and do-over another room for a 'man' cave, doggie style!!

He's so cute.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

what fun, kind of like an app of picmonkey in your phone. cool....

Christine said...

Wow! I didn't know you could do all that with apps! Great editing and I think the crown suits Gibbs!

Sandee said...

Your camera phone rocks. Also, now you know why the app was free. Just saying.

Gibbs is so cute that I linked you to Awww Mondays. Just so you know.

Have a fabulous day. Scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Out on the prairie said...

About the 2nd pop up and that app would have been gone. I have a low tolerance for advertising.

Grace said...

I swear camera phones seem to be better than regular cameras. I've never used the camera on my 6-year old phone LOL Have no way to get the pictures off even if I wanted to since I blocked all "data' from our phones. As a matter of fact I'm not sure where my phone is...Gibbs is adorable.

marie said...

Love the editing you did on this photo! Looks like a Christmas card!!
His Highness looks pretty adorable!

BeadedTail said...

I got brave the other day and messed around with effects on my phone and it was kind of overwhelming! I didn't know you can straighten photos so might have to find that little doo dad though. Gibbs is certainly a cutie and deserves to be King of the castle!

Dr Sonia S V said...

What an adorable vintage house you have shared Ann and Gibbs looks so serious as the King!! Ha ha

Unknown said...

Great shots! I really hate when, "Free is rarely ever actually free," keep proving to be true. Sigh.

Kathe W. said...

cute collage- and I am with you about pop up ads....hate them!
Cheers and Happy 2015!

Lucky Lady said...

Like the bird house and neat phone camera

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Very nice photos and a very adorable Gibbs! Happy new year wishes, dear Ann!

Lin said...

I'm sorta done with Christmas too. All these people in my house are starting to get on my last nerve. I actually enjoyed going into the office today! Go figure.

Love that Gibbs. Such a sweet thing. Did he leave the tree alone this year?

Marie said...

glad to see you're enjoying your new phone/camera. :) Gibbs is adorable!
hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

Deb said...

Great photos with your phone, I got a tablet for Christmas and am playing too. Still learning how to use it and haven't tried the camera yet but hope it takes great pictures like yours. Wonderful pics of Gibbs and great collage!

Unknown said...

He He Gibbs is just so cute, and the crown looks great. Love your pictures of the little house.

Donna said...

Love the edit! And Gibbs is a doll!

Sharkbytes said...

Some of those apps for phones are really amazing. Gibbs is quite a cutie.

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