Saturday, December 13, 2014

The kind of stuff that makes my blood boil

I hate to rant but I've got to get it out of my system before I experience personal spontaneous combustion.

We were due for an upgrade on our cell phones. Since I hated the phone I had I mentioned it to Wade and he told me to go online and see what phones they had. We normally go with whatever is free.

I picked two. One was an iPhone and the other was this.

The iPhone was free this one cost $29.99 but this one came with a free tablet. Nowhere on the page did it say anything more other than you get a free tablet. Wade said go ahead and order them.

A few days later the phones are here but no tablets. (I should have known something was up when it didn't mention them on the final order page)

Wade calls them up to ask why we didn't get them. They tell him that's only when you add a new line. Tell me where does it say that on the page I was ordering from? Nowhere that's where.

So I go looking and on the home page in a selection of scrolling adds I see in the very fine print "New 2 year activation required per device"

First I never even looked at the home page and second I personally think that New 2 year activation required could be misinterpreted by an old older type person such as myself who grew up in the age of rotary phones that sat on the counter.

Had I knows all this I would have gone with the free iPhone. All I can say is Verizon sucks and they should be on Santa's naughty list this year.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i would be venting to. and it is not just Verizon that hides these tiny little words.. i have seen them on many things... like when Staples sends me my rewards it sends a 20 dollar coupon... in teeny tiny print at the bottom it lists everything i buy at the bottom and it is not covered. i printed the coupon and when she pointed it out i said i can't even read that print. and did not buy anything. same at CVS their rewards card is not worth a cent.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Hidden fees and charges are a big pet peeve of mine too! ...:)JP

Marg said...

Don't blame you for venting. The darn companies just are way too sneaky. Hope the new phone at least works well.Anyway, have a great day.

Ann Martin said...

Gah, things like this are SO annoying. That origami Santa in the ad though? Mighty cute!

BeadedTail said...

I noticed this is happening more and more with Verizon where they have incentives for 'new' activation but what are they doing to keep the oldtimers? Makes no sense to me! I just went on yesterday to change my data plan for my new phone and was faced with all sorts of options but most had to do with that Verizon Edge yet I had to click on various things to figure that out. So frustrating! Hope you like your new phone at least! :)

Grace said...

I am such a cynic, and a touch paranoid that I believe no claims; nothing is free, and if it is, then it usually is worth what you are paying for it etc. My husband, is not allowed to purchase anything on-line because he gets caught out in the fine print as you did. (I don't suppose the phones could be returned and replaced? - Nah, probably not.) Llegitimi non carborundum.

Sandee said...

Sorry this happened to you. I think all businesses are getting very naughty. I'm so sorry. I know you're pissed off and you should be.

Have a fabulous day. Scritches to Gibbs. :)

Unknown said...

Arlynda and her mom had to get new cell-phones because their old flip-phones stopped holding a charge. So, they now have smart-phones, which have proven to be much smarter than all of us put together. Sigh.

Sheryl Hastings said...

I think the competition is so crazy that they are now lowering themselves to use every dirty trick they can come up with to get your business.

On the bright side, I've used the iphone system and the android system, and I like the android system much better.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Sneaky!! Our provider gives you three weeks to change your mind and get another phone, have you tried this? Also going to the manager helps. I would make a fuss. You are paying for something you do not want.

Chatty Crone said...

I have to say I think people and companies are getting sneakier and sneakier these days - hate it.

Hootin Anni said...

I'm with you on this all the way Ann.

Of course, I don't like Verizon. But sad thing is, so many areas for cell phones, there is no other choice.

Out on the prairie said...

I have a land line still. Don't use a cell much so I have one I buy minutes on at Target.I would give them back.

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Just catching up on my blog readings - sorry to hear about the verizon issue and am glad you are finding time to do a little crafting ... Gibbs is getting so big - I love that little guy.

Happy holidays ... Katie

Marie said...

That kind of thing ticks me off as well! I've gotten to the point that if it seems really good I over look it, because I know there will be a catch. lol We went with t-mobile because there aren't any contracts and even though we buy our own phones our monthly rate is really inexpensive. we only pay like $121.00 which includes all three of us with iphones and son is unlimited and hubby and I never reach our limits. that cost includes taxes! son just got the iphone 6, the smaller of the two and he loves it! the camera and video is amazing! he has his own car page on instagram and this phone can keep up with him. lol

Sharkbytes said...

I have a real like-hate relationship with Verizon. Sorry about this.

Reeni said...

Boo on them! I hate small print! They do it purposely to trick you. I had a similar thing happen at Sleepys.

Deb said...

Well bah humbug to them :( Especially at this time of year. Sorry you got ripped off Ann and hope Verizon got coal for Christmas!

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