Saturday, October 3, 2015

A case of the ouchies

Gibbs has had ear issues since shortly after we got him. Friday at 1:30 am he woke me up shaking his head and crying and he would not settle down. I knew it was time to call the vet.

I think I hear someone on the other side of that door.

Turns out not only does he have another infection but also inflammation.

She was going to give him what she called a pack. It was something that you stuff in his ear and leave it there for 14 days and it distributes the medication instead of doing drops. Then she changed her mind and gave us very expensive ear cleaner and some antibiotics.
 $139 and lots of head shakes later we were on our way back home.

He gets so stressed out when I put stuff in his ears and I feel so bad for him because there is just no calming him down. It takes about an hour before he'll finally settle down. The vet said that what she gave us should start showing results by today. Lets hope.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

Baby loves ear drops, Jake it takes both of us, one to hold the other to drop the drops in. and dog meds cost as much as people meds. poor Gibbs, hope the meds help soon.

Grace said...

Ear infections - a trial for people and pets.

Sandee said...

Bit had one of these last year. It was awful. I feel your pain.

I hope Gibbs gets better soon.

Have a woof woof day Gibbs. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥♥♥

Duni said...

Poor Gibbs. Hope the meds work as promised! ((hugs))

Christine said...

I feel so sorry for wee Gibbs. Earaches really hurt! Hope this works super fast

Tanya. said...

Hi Ann, just trying to check in and catch up with everyone. It's always the worst when the pets are ill as you can't explain things to them the way you can the children. I really hope his medication takes effect quickly and he's feeling better soon. xx

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Ann, fyi - ear infections can be a sign that there is something in the food you are feeding that he has an allergic reaction to. Dogs don't sneeze like we do when they are allergic - they get ear infections and scratch. Go into the Facebook group called WESTIES HEALTH -- FROM EARS TO TAIL - in the master index of documents you will find a file on EARS - might save you $'s in the future.

BeadedTail said...

Poor Gibbs! We're sending purrs that the meds work quickly and he feels better soon!

Out on the prairie said...

Hope he gets better. Doesn't sound fun doing drops.

Jen said...

Oh poor Gibbs! I sure hope his ear gets better fast :o/

Marg said...

Oh no Gibbs. That doesn't sound like much fun. Hope those drops help you. That couldn't feel good. Sending purrs that you feel better soon.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Bless his heart... I'm so sorry --and feel bad for him... Animals are so special but they can be SO expensive...


bichonpawz said...

Oh dear...poor Gibbs! And poor you! I don't even know how on earth I would get drops in to LadyBug's ears...she is really BAD about taking pills, medicine, anything...she will just fight! If I get the pill in her mouth...she will spit it out. She has been known to hold it under her tongue and spit it out when I turn my husband found it. It's basically impossible to get meds in her! I sure do hope that Gibbs is feeling better today and the drops are working!!

Dr Sonia S V said...

I have a cocker spaniel and a lhasapso both have super long ears and we have been warned about ear issue. Both are old boys now and though I have had my share of vet visits sometimes on a weekly basis the ears touch wood have escaped!!
Hope darling Gibbs has no more ear issues
Sending doggy hugs

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Poor little guy...hope the meds kick in quickly!...:)JP

Ida said...

Oh Gibbs I feel for you. We had to do ear drops for one of our kitties once and they hated it too. Get well soon.

Reeni said...

I hope Gibbs is feeling better! Sending him HUGS!

Unknown said...

Our Trixie has had ear problems and is now deaf in one ear. So, she is only ignoring us half as much as we thought.

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