Sunday, October 25, 2015

Winding down

Can you believe that we are in the last week of October already? This year sure is flying by.

There are only a few more Halloween themed index cards to go before I'll be switching over to Thanksgiving.

Now I certainly don't condone killing someone and sitting them out on your front porch but I couldn't help wondering about all the scarecrows I've seen sitting on porches over the years and this one just made me giggle.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

he he he and i LOVE the LOOK of the card

bichonpawz said...

Ha!! Too funny!! I agree with is amazing how fast this year is going. Each year seems to go faster than the last! Happy Sunday Ann!

Hootin Anni said...


Out on the prairie said...

Saw some scarecrows dancing the other day. They were having a party with a lot of scarecrow friends.

Grace said...


Sandee said...

Love it Ann. So true too.

Have a fabulous day Ann. Hugs to you and scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

So fun. It made me giggle too!

Reeni said...

Heehee. . .time is going much too fast! Before we know it the holidays will be here. Eek!

Lin said...

I'm on Halloween overload. Just seems to be overkill nowadays. Although I do like that index card. ;)

Deb said...

LOL, now isn't that the truth?! Best mind my P's and Q's so I don't end up on someones porch! Deb xo

Unknown said...

It is indeed very considerate of you to let the cops know what you are planning to do.

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