Monday, October 12, 2015

Sunrise on Saturday

Saturday morning when I headed out to do my weekly shopping the sky a sight to behold. I had to pull over to take a picture

Whenever I see a sunrise or a sunset it reminds me of a song. Way back when I was in grade school we used to do music festivals every year. The theme one year was Fiddler on the Roof. While I don't remember all the lyrics to the one song we sang I do remember the part that says...

Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly fly the years
One season following another
Laden with happiness and tears.


Deb said...

Gorgeous picture and a lovely song, Fiddler is one of my favourite movies. Thanks for sharing your lovely picture Ann.

Duni said...

That's beautiful! I always forget to take a picture...

Grace said...

Gorgeous sky, yup.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i would have pulled over to.... the only play i have ever seen, was Fiddler on the roof, done by the local highschool. my friend had 3 of her teens in it and i went with her. don't remember the song though, that was maybe 40 years ago

Dr Sonia S V said...

Oooh such a beautiful sky!!

Sandee said...

A beautiful sky indeed. I can see why you pulled over.

I remember parts of that song too.

Have a terrific day Ann. Big hugs to you and my very best to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Donna said...

Loved that tune...and that's when I like to shop as crowds!
Love the shot!

BeadedTail said...

I love sunrises and sunsets! I've seen that play but forgot that song so I'll have to listen to it again.

Out on the prairie said...

Now i will be humming that tune.Nice shot.

Unknown said...

Although I am not much of a fan of Fiddler on the Roof and similar stuff, it is still an awesome memory to compliment an awesome sunrise. I always loved seeing sunrises while out on the truck, but I sure hated having to be up so early (or still going so late) to see them.

Lin said...

Oh, that is so pretty! I never think to take a photo of such things. You are quick, girl!

Reeni said...

Gorgeous! My Mom loves that movie!

Reeni said...
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Marie said...

so so pretty!

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