Monday, November 27, 2017

Plan B

The other day I told you that my friend Debbie and I were going to a huge craft show on Saturday. Well after I wrote that post I discovered that the craft show had been cancelled. Debbie found another one that we could go to instead. 

This one was located in the Warner Theater in Erie, Pa. This is a very impressive place. It was built in 1930 and it's an Art Deco and French Renaissance style theater. If you click HERE you can see a picture of the outside of the theater. 

I took a few pictures inside but because of the lighting and only using my cell phone, they aren't very good. It does give you an idea of how impressive this place is though.

This is standing at the top of the steps looking down towards the front lobby

Inside looking back towards the balcony

Looking across, you can see the stage to the left

An impressive light fixture that caught my eye

Did I buy anything? Why yes I did. While Debbie did very well purchasing several Christmas gifts, I bought two things for myself and only one Christmas gift. Maybe tomorrow I'll have pictures of the things I bought.


Out on the prairie said...

A classic building, very nice

Pam said...

Well then that would be Merry Christmas to you....correct? haha...When younger and raising kids I always was buying for others or the house. I hardly ever purchased for me. That changed along the way, after kids were gone, I was divorced and I had my home to myself. I buy a lot for the home now...normally building supplies but I also purchase for me now....So I say, ENJOY!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is beautiful and we had two movie theaters very similar to this in Savannah when I was growing up. now they have turned one of them in to a real theater and have musicals there. very much like this one is. what a fun place to have a flea market. can't wait to see what you bought

Lin said...

Beautiful! That was certainly a treat for your eyes!

Come to Chicago--we have many beautiful theaters like that here.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, it is gorgeous! And yes, my question was did you buy anything. So you have figured out my questions now. Can't wait to see what you bought!

Connie said...

WOW!!! That is amazing. They don't build them like that anymore a true treasure in American architecture. Thanks for the photos.
Connie :)

Duni said...

That is a beautiful venue!

BeadedTail said...

That's a beautiful venue! That's quite the Plan B! I'd like to go to a show there!

Sandee said...

What a beautiful place to go for a show. I love it and it's even more fun just roaming around taking shots of the building.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Grace said...

I like art deco but a little goes a long way LOL

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Beautiful! I love old theaters like that.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

What a beautiful place for a craft show. So elegant. Looking forward to seeing what you bought! :)

Hootin Anni said...

Oh heck, I ALWAYS buy myself gifts! You & me both. Impressive buliding to be sure.

Reeni said...

What a cool place! I do the same thing when I'm shopping! Two for me - one for you. :)

Ida said...

what an impressive place.

Sharkbytes said...

Wow- much the style of the Ramsdell here, but bigger and even more impressive.

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