Saturday, November 18, 2017


I randomly chose an old post to repost for today. That's just how lazy I'm feeling and how little I have to blog about.

So here it is from May 21, 2011

Hey Ralph, what's that crazy lady doing down there with that flashy box?

I don't know but maybe if we just ignore her she'll go away

 Ralph, where you going? Don't leave me here by myself.


Ginny Hartzler said...

So sweet!! House Finches, right?

Rick (Ratty) said...

Those crazy people with the flashy boxes never seem to go away for some reason.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

real cuties, then and now. I have been known to do a few reposts myself. the thing is I know I saw this but don't remember and we could just post and no one would know it is a repost... sometimes I accidently find an old post and love it and think the people now have not seen it. I post it and even the few like you and Ginny that have been around for years do not remember it

Anonymous said...

Hey, Ann...I'm pretty sure that you have your genders confused. The colorful one is the male...(unless of course, this is a transgender post)...:)JP

Donna said...

Sweet little birdies...I remember the post...

Grace said...

So funny!

Out on the prairie said...

tis close to the time to do some shopping, someone spent all my money this month already

Marg said...

Glad you posted this again. I hadn't seen it and it is great. You have a super week end Ann.

Pam said...

Oh..they are so pretty. What type of birds are they? Enjoy being lazy....I love it.

Sandee said...

Sometime reposting an old post is all you have the energy to do. Rest today. That's what you need, along with lots of sunshine.

Have a fabulous day off. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Sharkbytes said...

Hope you find some motivation!

Reeni said...

Aww cute! Love how you captioned it.

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