Tuesday, February 6, 2018

I'll just have another nap

Don't know what it is but I feel totally worn out. I slept till just after 6 yesterday morning. I never sleep that late. After I got up I sat in front of the computer for a while. Then I wandered down to the living room and turned on the tv.  I sat through Columbo and Matlock dozing here and there.

Next up was heading in to the craft room to work on making a fleet of treatmobiles.

I got as far as cutting out the pieces and then it was back to the couch for a nap. Before I knew it the day was over. Good thing I still have another week to get these things done before Valentines day


Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, these will be the most special Valentines!!!

Grace said...

If your body says you need to sleep, then you sleep. Plus it's winter, I think our natural inclination is to hibernate. That's a boatload of treat boxes - so fun and pretty. Are you giving these to the bee-otches too? Or maybe just throw one or two at them.

bichonpawz said...

I guess your body is catching up on sleep! You got a little bit of time still to finish up your Valentines. Time sure is flying isn't it? I can't believe we are half way through February already!

Happy Tuesday!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

get your thyroid checked... i was having the low energy thing going on and that is what it was.. OR it might be the doldrums brought on my work and snow and ice and gloomy days.. hugs coming your way....

Andrea said...

My Mama (RIP) always used to say that if you sleep like then, then your body must have needed it. Happy snoozing... it does a body good. xxx

Sandee said...

I can remember sleeping a lot on my days off when I was still working. It's the bodies way of saying it needs to rest. I'm glad you napped.

Have a fabulous day. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Sharkbytes said...

Ugh... if I have to get up before 6 I can never wake up.

Out on the prairie said...

I spent the better part of the day resting, my schedule is all messed up.We got over 6 inches of new snow yesterday.

Pam said...

Could the weather have something to do with the get up and go having left you? I know it does a number on me.

Silver in AZ said...

Do you suffer from SAD? Poor thing.

BeadedTail said...

Uh oh, I hope you're not coming down with the flu! I was feeling worn out and it hit me during one of my naps. Hope you feel back to normal soon!

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