Thursday, February 1, 2018


I can be so easily distracted sometimes. I always write my posts and schedule them to publish the following morning. On rare occasions, I might even schedule a few at a time
I was sitting on the couch thinking about what I might be able to post about and getting nowhere. I decided to check out a couple of websites.

I found one called cutting for business. It has all kinds of resources for people who use their cricut machines for crafting businesses. They have a huge list of sites that offer free commercial use cutting files. I got lost browsing through all the wonderful things I could download for free. I looked at the time and realized I still had no post.

Time to dig in the archives.

Old pictures of Gibbs to the rescue. 

In case you are wondering, I got to work yesterday and the temperature in the deli/bakery area was 52 degrees. I was so cold. Shortly after I started the semi retired owner came in and asked me if I was cold. I said yes, it's only 52 degrees in here. He reaches up and puts his hand in front of the heat duct and says there's warm air coming out of here. I started to show him the thermometer sitting on my table that said 52 degrees and he started laughing. He explained that on Monday he had been changing some filters and turned the heat off and forgot to turn it back on. The temperature was up to 70 in no time


bichonpawz said...

Well, it might have been funny to HIM...but 52 is rather chilly! You certainly had a right to tell him you were cold!!

Oh I know ALL about those distractions...those type of sites you can get lost in for hours on end. There are ALOT of them out there!

I adore the pictures of Gibbs...he was just a little love!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

LOVE LOVE LUUUVVV that last shot of Gibbs and his 'bottle'. so sweet. i am sure the owner would not be laughing working in 52 degrees. so glad your heat is back

Marg said...

Oh Gibbs, we love seeing you, especially that second shot. Well done. Have a great day.

Grace said...

How is ole Gibbs? What mischief has he got into lately?

Linda d said...

Mr Gibbs is pretty darn adorable. Love a beard on my men and my dogs.

Lin said...

Aw, Gibbs! He is so handsome.

Yikes! 52?! That is COLD! At least they asked you and found the reason for it being so cold. I hope today brings you better working conditions.

Connie said...

We all love photos of Gibbs . . . what a cute little face:)
It is so easy to get to clicking from one site to another and then you look at the clock and are astounded at where the times went, LOL. There are so many ideas floating around in cyber space . . . happy that you found some good ones.
Connie :)

Sandee said...

Way cool shots of Gibbs. You can post him anytime.

Have a fabulous day. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Hootin Anni said...

Gibbs? Are you so bored with winter, you're now hitting the bottle?

I'd suffer with 52°

Reeni said...

52! You might as well be working outside! So good to see Gibbs handsome face!!

Sandee said...

Have a great day. Tomorrow you're off and can stay home.

Have a fabulous day. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Oh, No! That is way too cold to be able to work in. 70 degrees is much better :)

It really doesn't take long for me to get distracted with the amazing crafty ideas found on the internet. But you get way more accomplished than I do. Sweet Gibbs is a great inspiration!

Out on the prairie said...

Gibbs at happy hour in the last one

Sharkbytes said...

Sure wish our work heat problem was that simple.

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