Monday, July 25, 2022

A lack of grace

Yesterday, while at work, I was rushing around the corner to go grab the phone. I rounded the corner by the sink and tripped over a box that had been sitting on the floor. The offending box is no longer there . I took the picture after the girl I was working with moved it  
When I hit the box I went down like a rock. I ended up cutting my arm and had to go out in the store and buy some of the super jumbo Band-Aids.If you're a bit queasy you may not want to look at the last picture. But here is my arm with the Band-Aid off.

Other than my arm I scraped up one of my knees. All in all though I really wasn't hurt. I think my pride took the biggest hit.

The day really didn't get better after that. I had to deal with an employee with a major attitude problem who doesn't get how it works. Apparently after I left the father called the store wanting a meeting with the boss to straighten this out. Let me just say here that this is not a minor child, this is an adult we're talking about. I use the term loosely because while her age makes her an adult, she has the maturity of a spoiled teenager. I honestly hate dealing with this kind of crap.


Ginny Hartzler said...

So will there be a meeting? How does this end? I am SO glad you were not hurt any worse!! It could have been so bad! No need for your pride to be hurt, the box was not supposed to be there! And I bet you were not the one who put it there!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am wondering if the childish adult is the one that left a box there or if you have two people without much sense. that said, I have stood up at work in the past and fallen over the bottom Drawer that I myself left open. that is one nasty cut, does it need butterfly bandages? hope you are not sore from the fall today. it could have been disastrous. being a manager is a HARD job because it is PEOPLE we are trying to manage

MadSnapper n Beau said...

now I am getting an idea as to why Publix bakery/deli can't keep help

Hootin Anni said...

Just as long as you had no head or back injuries!! The cut needed no stitches...that too is good. I could not deal with an employee that cannot follow job protocol & descriptions. My age shows thru..."fire 'em all and let God sort 'em out"!!

Jeanette said...

Ouch! That looks painful! Last time I took a fall my whole body was sore! With a father like that I'm not surprised the coworker acts like they do! Curious to see how the meeting went.

betty said...

Did you report the fall? It doesn't sound like a "bad" one, but I would still have let the company know. I fell at my previous temp job and thought everything was "okay" but then a few weeks later I had terrible knee pain (landed on my left knee). I had already left the place, had never reported it, didn't know if it was a result of the fall but it took about 3 months for it to be better (I didn't seek medical attention). Just a thought! I hope you heal soon! Ugh with dealing with immature employees!! It has to be a nightmare when you have to! And I can't believe the father stepped in. The employee needs to know and learn how to fight their own battles!


Pam said...

Rough day, sounds like you needed to go home, away from others and have some Ann time. When I have days like that, its best for me to stay away others cause I end up with an attitude. That attitude causes a foggy mind and I can't seem to ignore stupid people. Take care.

Carol said...

Sounds like a rough day. These young kids these days are truly not adults. My friends and I were just talking about that a couple of days ago. A sad world that we live in and hopefully a new generation appears soon that has common sense and work values.

The Feminine Energy said...

Adult children should deal with their own problems... not mommy or daddy!! *gawd* I'm so sorry you fell, Ann! Be sure to watch for infection in that cut and go to the doc if you notice anything wrong. You poor dear! ~Andrea xoxo

Sandee said...

Sorry about your fall. Yikes.

I can see why the gal has issues. Her parents are still battling her issues. That's the problem.

Have a fabulous day off, Ann. Big healing hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥

HappyK said...

That looks painful!
So sorry you have to deal with that ADULT CHILD. Hard to believe a parent has to get involved!!
Trying to think of something positive here - be glad that it isn't your child. :)

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm glad you weren't seriously hurt, and I hope your boss backs you up with the difficult employee. That sucks.

Lin said...

I'm with betty....did you report the fall/injury? Joe is in work comp, so I am extra alert to that stuff. Be sure to report immediately--you never know what will come up.

Sorry that you were hurt.

DeniseinVA said...

Ouch! That looks really painful! You deserve a medal after that day! I hope your boss did the right thing and had your back with the father. He should know who he/she can rely on and as for that man, I would be embarrassed if my dad went into work like that. I hope you are not as sore today.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I am so sorry that happened to you. Don't they have a first aid kit? Sorry you had to buy your own bandages. I understand where you are coming from about the other employee.

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