Saturday, July 16, 2022


What a day I had yesterday. I was fast, efficient and at the top of my game. Okay so that last bit may be a slight exaggeration, however I did manage to even impress myself. On top of my regular daily duties I had several orders to fill 
Order number one was five dozen donuts. Order number two was a donation of four dozen cookies. Order number three was a quarter sheet cake. 
Order number four was a half sheet cake and order number five was another half sheet cake. I was scheduled till 3:00 yesterday and I managed to have everything done by 1:30. 

Today I think I'll kick back and take it easy.


betty said...

My goodness! I bet you didn't have too many moments to rest! And I bet also the day sped by incredibly fast! Good job!


Hootin Anni said...

Holy cow!!! And finished all that early?! You did GREAT.

DeniseinVA said...

Impressive Anne! I hope you were able to put your feet up after such a busy day.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

come on down here, they could use your skills at Publix. this is truly impressive, It would take me that long to boil and peel eggs. LOL... did you bake all the daily bread?

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You made the day special for a lot of people! How nice and how talented you are too! Enjoy your day!

The Feminine Energy said...

WOW Ann!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are an amazing woman, I tell ya!! I couldn't even begin to do all that... let alone know where to *start* to do all that! I hope your boss reads this and gives you your proper accolades... and a rai$e too!!!! Take a bow, girlfriend! ~Andrea xoxoxo

CheerfulMonk said...

Yes, wow, yay you! Have fun relaxing. ❤️

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That was definitely a busy day for you. Sounds like you did a great job. Hope you are relaxing today.

Donna said...

I'd love to work in a bakery...part time, of course...lolol...
Way to kick butt!

HappyK said...

Wow that was a lot of baking to do. The cake is so pretty. Don't know if I'd like a cake with those words on it though if it were my birthday. :)

Jeanette said...

You did good! I love these kind of days of accomplishment!

Rose said...

I meant to comment sooner..can you send me some energy?

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