Friday, November 8, 2024

More winter like all the time.

 November 1st I posted a picture of the tree in my backyard. That picture was taken on Oct 22. I took another picture of the same tree on November 1st and there is a big difference.

This one was taken much later in the day but you can see the leaves are pretty much all gone now. Or should I say the leaves are on the ground. 

Driving around, I've noticed that I'm seeing more and more trees like this. The recent winds have really done a number on them. One good rain and there won't be any leaves left at all. 


Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, pretty much a bare skeleton! A lot of the ones here are like this too.

Donna said...

Do NOT...I repeat, Do NOT go out there and try to glue the leaves back on that tree!! Lolol
big hug

Rose said...

We have had days where it just looked so wintry...thectrees here are almost naked, too.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

its too hot to be winter here but we do have quite a few leafless trees from all the storm winds. the odd thing is it took some leaves and not others. your photo does look like WINTER

Shug said...

I love the character of the trees when the leaves are gone...We had a heavy rain (expecting one today) and many of the leaves have fallen...Enjoy a Beautiful Weekend..

Lori said...

We had heavy rain Monday-Wednesday so a lot of our trees are looking like that here too.

My Mind's Eye said...

In spite of several days in the 80's and humid this week...I have a glimpse of Fall as the leaves dancing around me. That is grand tree in the back yard.
Hugs to you and Gibbs

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Yes, it certainly isn't as pretty as when they have the colored leaves on them. Winter is not fun. The last two years we had rain which wasn't normal. Our Santa Ana winds are back and it's not fun at all. Makes a big mess in the back yard and we get a lot of tumbleweeds too.

CheerfulMonk said...

I still think the tree looks pretty.

HappyK said...

All the leaves are gone nor in our woods, but a few trees in town still hold on to some.

DeniseinVA said...

It’s interesting that when you look at the trees it looks like winter, and yet our weather is so warm. Have a great weekend Ann!

Jeanette said...

I already miss all the green!

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