Tuesday, November 26, 2024


 I came home from work one day and this truck was parked in front of my house.

Whoever this was, he was working at the house across the street. Him and a couple others were blowing all the leaves in the yard into a pile. I couldn't get a very good picture of it all.

Then they used a big hose and picked up all the leaves

This is a young couple with 3 small children. I imagine they paid this guy to come clean all the leaves out of their yard. I'm wondering why they would do this because one windy day and all the leaves in my yard are going right over there. If not my leaves, surely from surrounding houses will end up there. 

Aside from feeling like this is an incredible waste of money, they have kids. What little kid doesn't love to jump into a pile of leaves? 

Maybe I'm the silly one because I just don't get it. If this is something you do, please don't take offense, I simply don't get it.


CheerfulMonk said...

They may be new and didn't realize the problem would come back. Please let us know if they have to do it again.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I totally agree, you are so right!!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I agree with you. All the neighbor's leaves will be blowing around...but they will figure that out soon enough.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Leaves are there for a purpose, we mulch ours to leave them there to feed the tree they are under . our street is line with trucks like these, while us seniors are out there taking turns mowing grass and mulching the leaves on it. we are surrounded by healthy younger people and no one does the yard work but us

Rose said...

I have never had it done but there have been a lot of times I wish I could have.. but we had leaves from a lot more trees than what they have..I had a huge old maple plus one that was as tall but did not have the girth, a neighbor had a big maple, then across the street were three huge cottonwood..and ALL the leaves blew into our yard...and they stayed.. oh and neighbor behind us had a tulip poplar and some from it blew in...but not like the others. Part of why they stayed was we had totally fenced in back yard...but even after one side was taken down and our maples gone, I still got a ton from the cottonwood.

Lori said...

I know here it is too early to worry about the leaves. All of the trees haven't lost theirs yet and the ones that have fly around from yard to yard. What I don't put in my garden beds just gets mowed over and mulched.

DeniseinVA said...

Maybe they are still trying to figure this all out if they are new homeowners. I wonder if they have talked to their neighbors but if they haven’t with you, then maybe not.

My Mind's Eye said...

I agree a family day of raking and leaf pile jumping would make lots of memories
Hugs Cecilia

Donna said...

No...we have a mulcher on our mower. It shreds leaves and and just goes back onto the lawn...great for the grass and soil.
Maybe they're having company for Thanksgiving and his mower is broke?

Shug said...

I'll raise my hand here as being guilty of having a Yard guy who takes care of our leaves. This is Sam's BUSY season at the Nursery and he just simply does not have time...If I tried to take care of the leaves, I would be stove up for weeks. We try to wait until almost all of the leaves have fallen though.

photowannabe said...

Well we sure could have used that sucker upper gizmo to get rid of the leaves.
We do our own yard work now since the guy we had for 12 years raised his rates so high that we couldn't pay for it any longer. When one gets old its heaven sent to have someone else do the work. Physically some yard work is hard to do too.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Looks like they did a good job, but yes, the leaves are still going to blow into their yard from other places. True, kids love to jump in a pile of leaves!

Sandee said...

I can see doing the clean up after all the leaves are down, but not before. We're old so doing this kind of work is very hard on our old bodies.

Have a fabulous day and week, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥

HappyK said...

Maybe they just don't have time and wanted their yard to look nice. Might have been a better idea to wait until all the leaves were down though,

Jeanette said...

That does seem like a waste of money. Raking leaves is a lot of work though. I usually leave that up to Rich and just help him bag them. This year he just blew them to behind our shed where they will just disintegrate over the winter.

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