Sunday, October 30, 2011

Are we there yet?

Yesterday was spent taking a road trip. We drove to St. Mary's Pennsylvania to visit Wade's daughter. Our hours to hers is a three hour drive. Today, I don't even want to look at the car.
About 10 minutes after we left yesterday morning we started seeing rain mixed with snow. Yes, I said snow. The further we got the more snow we saw. In St. Mary's they actually had accumulation on the ground. Luckily the roads were still ok.
I took a picture at the rest area we stopped at to prove we saw snow.

I should have taken pictures at his daughters house so you could see how much they got. It was totally disgusting. I don't want this stuff.
On the way back home we started seeing a little bit of sunshine and there was a beautiful rainbow ahead of us. I would have gotten a picture but I was driving at the time. I did get a couple more pictures at another rest area though.

No snow, I like these better.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I know all about it, me too!! So you saw a snowbow? Really cool! Isn't the weather just so messed up lately? I love the last picture of the beautiful trees!

BeadedTail said...

The bottom photos are beautiful but snow already? Not so much! Did Duke get to go along to play in the snow?

Pat said...

I prefer those beautiful autumn colours to snowy white, any day!
Glad it didn't affect your driving xx

Duni said...

Snow already?? Urrgh.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed we don't get any snow this year!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

our niece in Perkasie sent photos last night and they are buried so deep she had to shovel the drive way. 4 inches and still falling. glad you are safe back home. it is 58 here and that is cold for us for Oct. whacky weather every where. the colors in the trees are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

That last shot looks exactly like my yard! Were you here??

Unknown said...

Yes, your fall colors are turning out beautifully! (If you want to stay in denial about the snow, you could pass it off as being just heavy pollen.)

Helen said...

You were not alone, Ann. It was a mess here too yesterday. I will never be ready for this kind of weather. My husband wanted to move to Florida and I toll him no. And right now I don't the number on the thermometer either.

Donna said...

Yep, Snow time is here!
Cool shots Ann...2.5 million without power this morning!!!

Out on the prairie said...

Like to see the green grass, I think about warmer areas each year about this time.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! You brought her lots of stuffs .... that's a huge truck. LOVE the Fall photos. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Marg said...

Glad you got there and back all safe. Those trees are really pretty and so much better without the snow. Can't believe the snow so early. Yuck. Take care.

Sandee said...

I would hate living in snow country. Just not for me at all. Pretty fall colors in your last shots. Nice.

Have a terrific snow-less day. v My best to Duke. :)

Marie said...

Snow! I'm back in flip flops today. LOL! The photos of the trees are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing those. I'm not sure if we'll make ot to NC this year to see beautiful trees like that.
Hope you're having a wonderful Sunday!

Anonymous said...

The trees are gorgeous, the weather yesterday was not!

Donna said...

Gracious! I agree with you on hating snow to drive in! Love fall colors, BTW!

DebbieM said...

I took a picture of the rainbow, and yes, I was driving at the time. Bad girl!! I just grabbed the camera and plopped it on top of the steering wheel and snapped a shot. I'll post it on my blog later in the week. Beautiful shots of fall leaves though. I have some snow pics of Pittsburgh too!

Lin said...

Not. Ready. For. Snow.

Heck, we just had our first hard frost here this week. :(

bichonpawz said...

Yes we live in Upstate NY. NO...I do NOT like snow. Of any kind.

We are glad you had a safe road trip! Our favorite picture is the one of the pretty colored leaves!
xoxo Chloe, LadyBug and the mama

DSS said...

I like them better as well! Somehow our trees never look quite a pretty when the leaves change. Perhaps we aren't quite far enough up north :)

marie said...

I'm with you - the longer without the white stuff the better!

Your photos are pretty. I love autumn colors even iwth the bit of white thrown in...but a "bit" is it!

Reeni said...

If you had driven further to NY you would of seen a foot of snow! It was freaky. And sucky. My power was out for 3 days.

Tammy said...

I am so not ready for snow!!!! Where did summer go?

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