Friday, October 21, 2011

You gotta have friends

So lets talk about friends today.
The two girls I work with the most are Kelly and Katrina. They had been talking about this shopping trip they had planned for Wednesday. Wednesday, when they both had off and I had to work. I listened to them talk about what stores they were going to and where they were going to have lunch and what they wanted to look for while they were out. I listened, and I whined. I tried to lay guilt trips on them about me having to work while they were going out to have fun, WITHOUT ME! It didn't work, they went any way.
So here is Katrina on the left and Kelly on the right

Yeah, I took their pictures while they weren't looking. I did tell them I took them though and that they were going to be the topic for my next blog post.

So this morning Kelly is telling me about where they went and what they did. They had a good time. A good time without me. (yes, I'm still whining about it)
I guess it's ok though because while they were having a good time they thought of me and I got this.

See that? It's even personalized. I am Annie, Bakery Chief and fearless leader.
And Duke is a happy puppy tonight because he got something too.

Then Kelly said that I had to take a picture of me wearing my bakery chief headdress. 
You think this picture is bad you should see a few of the other ones that I took before I got this one.


Ginny Hartzler said...

They seem like such fun girls to work with!!!! And you ARE so cute in that hat, I think you should wear it everywhere!!!

marie said...

Love your nice of them to think of you...and duke of course! Sounds like you work with soem good people!

bichonpawz said...

That's one of the main things I missed when I stopped working...the camaraderie!!! Missed my girls!!! Looks like you have a great crew!

booahboo said...

woooooooooooo...that's a very nice headgear... make you look like a real red indian chief.. hehehehehe

Both girls are so thoughtful and nice.. they even bought something for Duke!

Jen said...

Oh how funny - I LOVE it! Looks like you have yourself some mighty fine friend there girl ;o)

Dr Sonia S V said...

Ha Ha you look so sweet wearing it!!

Grampy said...

Great hat Ann. You are looking good. I bet Duke liked his treat. The girls did commit the ultimate sin. Went to the Christmas Tree Shop without you.

Unknown said...

Hey, what about something for us? Much more importantly, what about something for me?

Anonymous said...

Awwww, they'e so good to you! I love the little ghostie doggie cookie... can I have it if Duke doesn't want it please? LOL

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is hard for me to type while rolling around on the floor laughing. I LOVE THIS POST. and I LOVE your photo. makes me smile and i can fully relate to the taking my own shot and how many i have taken. what a great gift and one for the pup. good friends are hard to find and you have two

Donna said...

Hahaha!!!! You look cute! That was sweet of them to bring you some goodies from their shopping adventure!

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Okay - you can look at it this way - look at all the $'s you saved by not going shopping ... would love to see some of your baked goodies from the store - maybe a post on the store would be fun and some of the people who come in - of course the names would be changed to protect the innocent ... hahaha ... you could have fun with this one!

All the best for a great weekend - Chief!

Anne said...

While I feel bad that they went out without you, at least they thought of you and brought you a gift. And, even more importantly, they remembered Duke.

Out on the prairie said...

Praises to our fearless leader!!

DSS said...

I think it says so much that they brought you such a lovely prize:) And Duke's treats?!?!? Perfection! Now Louis is going to be jealous, and I'm going to have to on a search for them...

Anonymous said...

What fun this post is - had me smiling all the way through (and lord knows I needed something to make me smile today. Thanks!)

Catherine said...

Haha ~ I am thinking you gals have a lot of fun during your work day! But how lovely that they made you a pretty hat and bought Duke some treats. Those are extra special friends I think. Even if they did go shopping while you had to work. ;)
xo Catherine

Sandee said...

That was nice of them to remember you and Duke. Very nice indeed.

Have a terrific day and weekend. My best to Duke. :)

BeadedTail said...

Love your hat! That was nice of them to think of you and Duke on their day of shopping! You must have a great time working with such fun ladies!

Tammy said...

Sounds like you work with 2 really nice people. You look great with your new headdress on.

VanillaSeven said...

Even when they were away having fun, they still thinking about you Ann. Hail to our Indian Chief! :)

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

What a fun team you girls make! I imagine there are lots more laughs at work than there is whining. And I think fearless leaders are allowed to whine.

Chatty Crone said...

So did you forgive them for not being able to go with them? I love your chief's hat and it is so awesome to finally see a picture of you - I love to visualize who I am talking too.

Love, sandie

Marie said...

Ann you look adorable! I bet your customers will love that hat. What fun you all have! Friends are wonderful!

Sharkbytes said...

Bummer that you couldn't go when you wanted to, but being Chief? Priceless. I love your smile.

Reeni said...

What sweet girls - it sounds like they think the world of you - and Duke! The hat is too cute!

Pat said...

what a fun post! love the headgear :) xx

Marg said...

Love seeing the picture of you but we want to see the ones you wouldn't show us. Those sound like great friends to have. What a neat thing for Duke. Hope you have a fantastic week end.

Donna said...

Hahahahaaa....LOVE this!! And you Are a Fearless Leader!
Great shot of you Ann!
Oh, and I Love your new header...

Sheryl Hastings said...

What a nice surprise! It was so nice of them to think about you and Duke.

Anonymous said...

Dear Fearless Leader,

You look very COOL in your new hat. There will never again be a doubt who the boss around your work place! :-)

Have a Wonderful Weekend :-)

*The Old Geezer Blog

Carole Barkett said...

how awesome to work with people you enjoy and who care, love the headdress :O)

Lin said...

Aww, that was so nice of them! At least they thought of you, right?! And that is such a snappy headdress. :)

I'm sure they missed you on their outing.

Joanne Olivieri said...

How sweet of them to do that for you. Now, those are good friends. Love your new hat, it's adorable.

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