Sunday, October 23, 2011

Random Rambling

Today you get random ramblings from me, Duke. Mom is being lazy and that's why she didn't do a post yesterday. It didn't look like she was going to get to it today either so I thought I would step in and take over.
My only problem is that I don't know what to randomly ramble about. Looks like I'm not doing much better than mom. Well, we're both just going to blame it on all the rain and cold weather we've had around here lately. Maybe we can do better tomorrow


Ginny Hartzler said... look a bit different here, Duke. Well, no matter what mom does to your photos, you are just cuter and cuter. You don't even have to ramble, bark, or anything else. Just sit there and pose.

BeadedTail said...

Duke, we're just happy to see a photo of your cute face! We hope your rain stops although if you run in the mud puddles, maybe you could tell us all about them!

Carole Barkett said...

yep, the cute face is enough for me too :O)

Marie said...

Duke you are adorable! You've done a great job filling in for your's the thought that counts. I don't think your mom is being lazy. Mom's tend to get tired, I know I do. :) Hope you are having a "pawtastic" weekend!

bichonpawz said...

Really like this picture of you Duke!
xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Duni said...

You don't need to ramble,Duke! Just put up a picture of you looking cute :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Duke, tell your mom I know why she did not do a post, she was playing with your photo and making her blog looks really really pretty. I love love love the new look. tell her it is her best blog look EVER

Jen said...

Looks like you managed to get a nice little paragraph out of your not rambling ramble there, Duke ;o)

Daisy said...

A picture of Duke is good enough for me.

ps: My Mommeh is reading the book about Racing in the Rain on her Kindle now... but she's worried about the ending.

Out on the prairie said...

Laughed yesterday while fishing and a little black dog was around the bend and kept coming for a visit until he was called back, another Duke.

Ann said...

aww, Duke looks like he's shivering a little bit in the photo. :) Hope it warms up for you all soon.

Anonymous said...

Sure is a nice photo of you, Duke.... even if you are both a bit tongue tied today. :-)

Unknown said...

Be assured that you can do better than most without even trying, Duke. Now, go tell your mommy to go fry some bacon for you. Trust me, it will make you both feel better.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Hey Duke, I think you got to talk to your mom about changing the painting over the mantle and replacing it with one of YOU! She sure has a lot of cute pics to choose from.

Donna said...

Hi, Duke! I can see that you are more than a pretty face. You can random ramble too! And I must say that your latest portrait is pretty darn spiffy!

Marg said...

Oh Duke, that picture of you is just gorgeous. Someone fancied it up for you. I like that look. Take care.

Sandee said...

Perhaps a nap will help. At least you won't be watching it rain.

Have a terrific day Duke. My best to your mom. :)

Chatty Crone said...

I think you did a great job rambling today - love your picture! sandie

marie said...

Duke! I love this photo of's so frame worthy!

I think rambling is a bit over-rated by the way!

john bain said...

Random rambles can lead you to some interesting places. Especially if you are a little terrier.

Erika said...

Your cute mug is always a great way to share your day. Or your mommy's craftiness.

Catherine said...

Sometimes we get the writing block ~ but cute photos of furry four legged friend always makes for a good post. :)
xo Catherine

Reeni said...

You always do a great stand-in job for your Mom Duke! I hope she's relaxing and enjoying her weekend!

Lin said...

Duke, I'm gonna start hiring you to do my posts!! You are great filler, pally. :) Hee! Hee!

Sheryl Hastings said...

Wow Duke! You look awesome in the picture. Looks like an expensive painting. Sorry you are having rain. We had a beautiful sunny day and can you believe that my mom actually did YARD WORK! I wish I knew how to use the camera because the family will never believe this one...

Your Buddy Bubba

PS...I wish my mom would slow down some. She's making me tired watching her while she's on this crazy creative flow.

Joanne Olivieri said...

Thanks, Duke for the update. Just seeing you is all I need for a post :)

Doris Sturm said...

Hello Duke, you handsome boy, we missed you.

Doris, Gizzy and Weezie :-)

booahboo said...

The rain and cold is always the greatest excuse not to blog. Its best to snuggle close to mom and just enjoy the day Duke :)

DSS said...

I believe that you could randomly ramble about how FABULOUS you look in that photo : ) Very handsome Duke!

Stay warm & dry...

Tammy said...

This cold rainy weather does make it easy to be lazy.

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

You are looking a little flaky around the edges there, Duke, but I'm glad you found something to say.

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