Thursday, July 18, 2013

An excuse but it's mine and I'm keeping it

I'm on vacation this week. I scheduled this week off so that I could have 5 days of uninterupted quiet time to concentrate on getting projects done for the craft show. Monday morning, bright and early (like 6am) I got off to a great start.
And then...

These guys showed up in my neighbors driveway and there went my peace and quiet.

The neighbors are building a garage and wouldn't you know they picked this week for construction to begin. My side yard is only about 12 feet before their yard starts so I walk out my back door and it's like these guys are RIGHT there.

Now I won't say I haven't done anything because I have worked on a few things but not nearly what I had expected to do. Instead of marathon crafting I had a big cleaning day, a little bit of shopping and a lot of bouncing back and forth on craft projects.

I'm also behind on blogging right now. I tried to read blogs yesterday but it was so hot and humid that my arms were sticking to my desk. I don't have air conditioning but for as much of this type of weather as we get we really don't need it. Fine by me because I don't like it anyway.
I'm going to try and do some catching up now before it gets too hot again.


Nancy said...

I guess timing is everything! Hope you are able to enjoy some of your vacation despite the close-by construction.

Marg said...

Oh no, that is too bad about the garage going up right next to you. That really stinks. Sounds like it is too hot to do anything anyway. Hope you have some fun this week. Take care.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i would expire completely and have to be buried without AC and nothing at all would get done...
oh no on the construction... it is so irritating, we had one week a roof put on across the street, the next week one behind us, the bam bam bam all day was nerve racking.
hope you get your crafts done... can you get in your pool or are the workers right there looking at you

Hootin Anni said...

Hey? You didn't buy NAKED at the store did you...with those guys working on the garage?!! Be careful...make sure Duke is penned up too. Wouldn't want you out there with NAKED and have to rescue your furbaby....I can see it now on the headlines..."ANN, and NAKED hot and humid, rescues her dog Duke from the cat calls heard close by"!!

'Nough joking 'round...hope you accomplish a lot of crafting and will be able to enjoy your time off.

Lin said...

BUGGAR!! I hate when that happens. They usually start construction around 7 a.m. on a Saturday. Ugh.

Well, maybe if they start early it will be a good jump to your day. You can always take a nap later, right?

Anonymous said...

Excuses Excuses Excuses. LOL What? No air conditioning? What's up with that?

Duni said...

Oh no! That is bad luck they started right when it's your week off! We have constructions going on opposite and the workers start really early too...

Anonymous said...

Ah living in a construction zone - finally after 4 months - we are construction noise free (4 months!) of course it is now too hot to open the windows - missed months of open windows ::sigh:: My husband can no longer live without central a/c - won't live anywhere without it...Me - I could live without it - even in this hot-humid part of the world.., Happy crafting!

Unknown said...

Maybe the added humidity will help you stick with it?

a paper {life} said...

OMG...I totally know what you mean. Just like the ONE day you get to sleep in someone is cutting the grass or power-washing lol.

Connie said...

Hi Ann, They say if you want rain, plan a picnic. It's the principals of Murphy Law. I so sympathize, it's sad to be in need of rest and quiet and not be able to find it in your own little part of the world.
So I have a question about machine embroidery downloads. Do you save them on the hard-drive of your computer or in the hard-drive of your machine? My machine will only save amount a dozen, so I'm hoping that I can save them to my computer and then use them over and over through the years. It makes me nervous to try :)
Have a great weekend.
Your blogging sister, Connie :)

Sandee said...

Our air conditioner has been on for months and will be on through October. I can't imagine not having an air conditioner in this heat.

I'm sorry that you're having construction right outside your back door. Bugger.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. ☺

Donna said...

Just turn up the music LOUD and perhaps the construction noise won't be so bothersome! We've had the construction going on across the street now for a couple of months. The earthmoving work is the most annoying.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Hang in there, Ann, you'll get it done!...:)JP

Ginny Hartzler said...

All for the best, Ann!! Trying to concentrate on projects for too long of a specified time would have broken your brain perhaps! You are a free spirit and need to go where the wind blows, and that is not being stuck in the house for a week making stuff. SO go with the flow! Any and everything gives you ideas.

BeadedTail said...

The neighbor should have checked your schedule before starting a construction project on your week off! Sheesh! We didn't have A/C here until 5 years ago when we put in a heat pump and there's no way I could live without it now. I don't do heat very well.

Marie said...

I couldn't live without air here! If I were you I would jump in that pool. :) Then turn up some fun music and continue on your projects. :)

Donna said...

Well dang! No Fun for you!
I haven't been blogging much either this week...Dept of Labor paid us a visit...just because it was probably time, he said...after 60 years...Hahaaa

Small Town Mommy said...

I can't believe they are constructing a garage practically in your yard. Couldn't they have done it while you were at work?

Sheryl Hastings said...

I had planned on getting a lot of creative work done myself today. BUT, it is soooooooo hot! I'm in the air conditioning right now, but the pool keeps drawing me in...

That's my excuse. Maybe tonight I'll do some stitching, maybe.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Dang.... So sorry, Ann... Workers can make so much noise... Get yourself some earphones and some good music... Enjoy the music while you work on your projects.... Good Luck.

Reeni said...

Aww what a bummer! I hope you're enjoying your vacation anyway! Maybe they'll quit for the weekend. . .

Chatty Crone said...

Hey this seems like your 4th week of vacation this year! lol Sorry about the timing. Get those crafts done. sandie

Catherine said...

Oh crumb. Isn't that always the way? I hate when I just get all comfy on my back patio and then some goof fires up his lawn mower. Really???

Gosh, too bad the neighbours wouldn't have given you some warning and you could have maybe booked a different week off! :(

xo Catherie

Dee said...

All the distraction may put a new edge on your art...I feel for you...I enjoy my peace and need it for my art to get finished. Best of luck to you.

Sharkbytes said...

Nearby noise is the worst, especially in the heat. Try to hang in there.

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