Monday, July 22, 2013

Lakeside view

Today is a very sad day. I'm going back to work. OH WOE IS ME!!! Well it seems that I forgot about the pictures from the lake so lets get back to them today. While you are looking at the pictures I'll be dreaming of sitting there taking in the view instead of working my butt off.
This is a before and after shot. First the original picture and then one that I played with in photoshop


Unknown said...

Good morning! I know how it feels to go back to work after being off for a week or so...I love what you did to that picture, it looks cool. Have a great day!

Duni said...

Ooh, I love the effect, especially the clouds!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Back to work, already?????!!!!! Try to smile and keep thinking of the lake!...:)JP

Nancy said...

Bummer about going back to work! But the lake image is lovely. Hang in there. :)

Out on the prairie said...

Wishing I could get away more than a few daze. I am headed over to N central NE tomorrow.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you already know this but I will say it anyway... I like the edit best of all...

Anonymous said...

I'm on the fence with this set...I used to be all perturbed about not working, now I'm real happy about it...

BeadedTail said...

Pretty cool retouch Ann! How'd you get black trees green? Hope your week goes well!

Sandee said...

I can remember that wonderful feeling of knowing I have nine days off and I also know that let down of having to go back to work tomorrow. I'm glad I don't have to work anymore.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Marie said...

I like both! Sorry to hear you are back to work, but I hope it's a good day for you. :)
keep smiling!

Chatty Crone said...

No wonder you hate going back to work - you could be at that beautiful lake~!

Helen said...

I like the edit best. Does that lake clean enough to swim? With the heat wave that we been having, it seem like a nice place to jump right into cool off.

Unknown said...

I hit me like a ton of bricks yesterday afternoon that the reason why the "For Dummies" books are called that is on account of the fact that only a dummy would buy one. For after trying to wade through all of the intricate details on everything but what I want to do for the last 3-4 months, I am still no closer to being able to create a simple geometric image than I was before I bought the book!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Many times I like photos straight from the camera the best---but you did a nice job with this one. I like your PhotoShop one better... Great clouds/sky...


Donna said...

I'm sorry about having to go back to work! Pbbbttttt...... I love how you opened up the shadows with Photoshop on that second photo. Do you have a version of Elements that includes camera raw and use that any? I use camera raw on everything I take, and it does a wonderful job. I take raw photos, but the editor works on jpegs too.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I WILL say that you made it look a lot prettier in the second picture. Bummer about gong back!

Sharkbytes said...

You'll just have to try to make the idea of work as nice in your mind as the magic you work on pictures.

Catherine said...

Boooo Work!!! Sigh...why could we not have been born rich instead of so talented and cute???
Hopefully your work hours will go fast!
xo Catherine

marie said...

Love the edited photo the best...really makes me want to be there!
Sorry you had to return to work...but at least you can escape a little with these photos!

Donna said...

Beautiful Edit Ann!!!
And SORRY! I WISH I could quit too!

Reeni said...


Dee said...

Hold on to that lake will make your work more pleasant.

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