Tuesday, July 2, 2013


For years now I've been reading about applesauce/cinnamon ornaments. Every year I say I'm going to make some for the holidays and every year I end up not doing it.

This year I decided that I was going to make some to sell at the craft show.

Last weekend I had some hearts in the oven

and I also made some little applesauce/cinnamon pumpkins.

My kitchen smells amazing. I've heard that the scent lasts for quite some time but since I've never made them before myself I can't say for how long


Ginny Hartzler said...

The pumpkins look so cute! I bet they smell so good. But can they spoil, can you eat them, how long will they last?

Duni said...

It must smell so great!! Those little pumpkins are adorable!

Unknown said...

Oh I can just imagine the scent in your kitchen, how lovely. The pumpkins are so cute :)

bichonpawz said...

Those are really cute!! LOVE those smells!!

Hootin Anni said...

I LOVE the whole concept of this idea. Especially the pumpkins!

SarahGeorge said...

Oh! Wow! Ann, These look super cute....! No wonder they smell excellent :).

Catherine said...

Mmm... I bet those smell good! Cute!
xo Catherine

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i can almost smell that smell, I love cooking cinnamon and apples, that is the kind of candles i buy, and i bet this was even better. cute little pumpkins.

Out on the prairie said...

New to me, I dried some apples in the dehydrator at my work this last week.

BeadedTail said...

I've never heard of those but you're making me long for fall even though I still want to enjoy summer! :)

Unknown said...

Cinnamon pumpkins that taste like applesauce might cause seizures!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I want to know more about how these are made...are they food? Do they spoil (and rot?). More information please....(Not that I would make them or anything but I do like to know how you make stuff...)

Dee said...

I have sen the hearts but have not seen the pumpkins...they are really cute.

Marie said...

These are really cute! I bet your kitchen does smell good!!

Sandee said...

How cute and you're really doing the crafts of late. Good for you. You'll have lots to sell at the show. I'm sure your kitchen smells wonderful.

Have a fabulous day. My best to Duke. :)

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

I made these with my grandson several years back and they really do smell wonderful. We made gingerbread shapes and put little holes in the hands then tied with ribbon to form a garland. We must had rolled the dough too thin because they cracked easily. I was really sad.

Your pieces look nice and thick and the pumpkins are so cute. I know they will be popular!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Yum... Bet your house does smell good. All of the little craft items you are making are adorable... I hope you do well at your booth. When is that?

Love the little pumpkins...

Mitzi said...

Hello, fellow Westie owner! Thanks for stopping by my blog....I've been out of town, staying at my 86-year old mother's house that doesn't have internet hookup. That's why I took so long to respond to your friendly comments...

Anyway, your blog is lovely, and I think the ornaments are something I might try. I will definitely be back again!


Marg said...

Oh those look so yummy and I bet they do smell yummy too. What a great idea.So just pass some on over here. Take care.

Sheri said...

They do make the house smell great! I actually have something similar coming up on my blog for my Christmas in July special. Not ornaments, but something along the same lines....

Tanyia said...

Kay made some last year but they didnt turn out the best lol ...smelled awesome though! Those pumpkins are so damn cute!

Chatty Crone said...

The kids made them when they were little and they still smell!

Shinny said...

If those are the same as what my now 19 year old son made while in pre-school, the scent is still on the one we have in the ornament box. Not as strong but still cinnamon.

Antonella said...

They will be perfect, I bet they will sell well. They definitely keep the Christmas spirit for many years. My 21 year old made mitten ornaments in Kindergarten and we put them on the Christmas tree every year, they still have a cinnamon scent.
Hugs, antonella :-)

Donna said...

I've got some for my tree...love them!

Tanya. said...

They look great...how do you make them??

Sharkbytes said...

Interesting idea. I bet they sell well.

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