Monday, July 8, 2013

Something different

You've been seeing a lot of my craft projects lately so you're probably ready for something different. Not only is this a different subject but it's something that has never happened here before. As much as I would like to say that it involved male household members remembering to put down the toilet seat, that's not it.

I've always read that the color of hydrangeas depends on the type of soil they're growing in. Mine have always been blue.
This year I have two different colors on the same bush

They were just starting to come out when I took this picture. I should get out there and get a few more shots.


Unknown said...

That's so nice isn't it :) these are so beautiful when they are in bloom.

Pat said...

Gorgeous - love hydrangeas. Do please take some more pics!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Mine are always blue- how lovely to get both colors on the same bush!

Nancy said...

Very cool! Maybe you can dry some. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they are beautiful, throw a hand full of rust nails or any old rusty metals under them and they will turn blue. that is what daddy did. but i like them the color they are

Anonymous said...

Mix and match hydrangeas! Awesome!!

Small Town Mommy said...

That is so cool. Why are they coming in different colors? I guess different roots are in different types of soil.

Out on the prairie said...

Alluminum sulfate will change the color and acidity

SarahGeorge said...

That's a cool info on those beautiful flowers, Ann!

Donna said...

Beautiful! It is unusual to have different colors on the same plant, since the color is based on the level of acid or alkaline in the soil.

And it is very rare for a toilet seat to be left up around our house. It only happens when we have visitors. DH's momma raised him right, LOL.

Hootin Anni said...

...well, that's the way I've always seen them bloom. Two different colors, usually blue and pink. Pretty!!

Anonymous said...

Naturally I had to google changing hydrangeas color - interesting reading. We used to call these snowball bushes - maybe there were white ones where we lived. I don't recall because wherever my mother lived, if there were hydrangea bushes you would rip them out before she even unpacked one single box of household goods.

Sandee said...

How cool is that. I didn't know about the soil dictating what color the flowers would be. I learn something every day.

Have a fabulous day. My best to Duke. ☺

BeadedTail said...

So pretty! I had no clue that soil makes a difference in color. Very interesting!

Unknown said...

It looks like Duke has been very helpful with the "watering" of certain plants.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Mine looks just like this!!! Well, DID. It started out blue, then got like yours, and this year it is purple all over pretty much. Yours looks exactly like mine right down to the size!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ann, I'd love Hydrangeas... I've seen many bushes with both blue and pink blossoms... I think they start blue and then turn pinkish...SO pretty.


Helen said...

I've seen them two colors but thought there were two bushes grown together. Never thought it was just one bush.

Marg said...

That is interesting that they are a different color this year. That is a great plant. I have never had one and have always wanted one.

Marie said...

Love all the different colors! So pretty!

Chatty Crone said...

I mostly see blue here Ann. sandie

Donna said... those things! Beautiful plants.

Dee said...

beautiful and surprisingly different.

Sharkbytes said...

Well, I've never seen that before!

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