Thursday, December 19, 2013

When life runs you ragged

Make rag balls and decorate your life.

OK so I frequently complain that there just isn't enough time in the day to get everything done. The simple truth is that I just don't manage my time very well. At work I am efficient as hell, at home I've gotten lazy and procrastinate. A perfect example is the bill I had laying on my desk that needed to be paid. I kept saying I've got to pay that today. When I sat down at my desk I pushed it aside and read my email, played a game or two of solitaire, read some blogs and then went and sat on the couch. This happens with other things too. I say want or have to do them but I keep pushing them aside and do other less important things.

The next time you hear me complain about not having enough time would you please remind me about this little problem I seem to have.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Welcome to the club! Phil and I had a laugh over the bill.

Unknown said...

You get more done in an hour than I usually do in a week. So, I am not all that sympathetic. Sorry.

bichonpawz said...

I hear ya loud and clear Ann! I have the same problem!! Sign of the times??

Duni said...

I think we all go through phases of procrastination. It usually happens to me when I need to sew a difficult project ;-)
Cute rag balls!!

Jille said...

It's a common problem. I like to sit down with a cup of tea and just mull over the situation...

Jille said...

Oh yes and love your balls ;)

Marg said...

I think we all have that same problem and it is good that you do fun stuff. I love to goof off and do my puzzles. The ragdolls are terrific. Take care Ann.

Dr Sonia S V said...

Those balls look so adorable.Do they have a styrofoam base?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i hope you still have power to play on your computer if that bill was your electric bill, or shudder shudder your internet bill.. i am no help at all with no advice because i am the opposite...i do everything early, when the bill comes in i walk to the computer and pay it. of course once i paid the electric bill on the water bill and the water bill on the water bill, so then i got a notice i did not pay the electric and i said i know i did and i did, i just paid it on the line below. so for 3 months we got no water bill... i am organized but crazy trumps that every time.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

forgot to say i put off house work behind every thing from fun to paying bills. like right now i am about to watch the finale to person of interest and let the house work take care of itself.

Hootin Anni said...

We all have those times. At least I think so. Thing is, when the Spring blossoms come and the grass begins to green up a bit...your mood will change with the season!!

Now, I'm not saying your procrastination will no longer exist with Spring's just may get worse.

Then, if that happens you'll have to go to PA [no, not Pennsylvania either] meetings with us all...Procrastinators Anonymous.


Hootin Anni said...

PS...I am cracking up with Jille's comment! Oh my.

Out on the prairie said...

You made me look over the bills laying around. Maybe tomorrow I will get to them.

Chatty Crone said...

Ann - I have to admit I am the exact opposite of that - but I live with 3 people like that - does that count?

Sandee said...

I try to get what needs doing done first before I do what I want to's, games and the like. It works pretty well.

Have a fabulous day Ann. My best to Duke. ♥♥♥

Grace said...

For people who work, at the end of the day - have-to's are just not attractive...after 8-10 hours of have-to's - just want to relax with wanna-do's.

Donna said...

You're not the only one putting things off...gheeez...Hahaaa
Good luck with that!!

BeadedTail said...

I have this same problem and easily get distracted between work, Etsy, blog, Facebook, life. I really don't like this constant state of turmoil so if you figure out how to stop it, let me know!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Oh dear....I do just the opposite, Ann...all things come before what I want to do or work on,...:)JP

Connie said...

Hi Ann, at least you admit it :)
I think we all have that problem from time to time. I used to be so good about keeping up with everything when I worked. Now that I am retired, I guess I think . . . big deal it'll be there tomorrow and it always is, that and more piled onto it.
I love those rag balls in the basket. I have seen them used on wreaths and they are so pretty.
I truly love an old fashioned homespun Christmas.
Keep Smiling.
Your blogging sister, Connie :)

Sharkbytes said...

If I were a few millennia older I could claim to be a founder of the procrastinators' club. But I'm a high-ranking member.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I hear you!!!!! That's why I don't play those addictive games or Instagram. I seem to get addicted to things --so have to be careful not to even start them… (I am addicted to my Family History --but there are so many times I don't have time to do a thing with it--which makes me sad…. Guess I need to quit blogging and Facebooking so much so that I can do my Genealogy..) Oh Well---tis life for all of us!!!!

Merry Christmas.

Christine said...

Oh you're far from alone! I have found out the hard way that it's never a good idea to push aside a bill that needs paying.
Love rag balls too!

Helen said...

love the rage balls. I'm with you, who would want to pay bill?

Tanya. said...

We can all remind you Ann...but I doubt it will make much difference!!!

Dee said...

I do the exact same thing...and I do not work. At least when you do something you do it amazingly well :)

Antonella said...

Pretty rag balls... they were lots more fun than that bill, lol... I am procrastinating right now. I've had 3 late nights trying to get my ornaments finished, and am now too tired to finish them up.
Antonella :-)

marie said...

My life exactly! Love the little rag balls!!

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