Thursday, April 16, 2015

Statistics and Panoramic Views

This is day number 106 of the year 2015 and this is post number 106 for this year

This is the 15th week of the year and I have completed 14 weeks worth of pictures for project 365

There have been 14 Documented Life Project challenges and I have 13 completed and the 14th is in the process of being finished.

I would say that I've gotten off to a very good start for the year.

Now on to the panoramic view portion of today's post. I was playing around with the panoramic setting on my phone's camera. These are far from impressive but I found it interesting how they turned out.

In this one it looks like the yard comes to a point and is surrounded by the sidewalk. The yard goes straight across and the sidewalk actually ends roughly where the yard appears to come to the point.

The wires in this one look like they are arching up to me.

This probably isn't something I'll use a whole lot of on my phone unless I come across some seriously awesome landscape but I was bored so I was checking it out.


bichonpawz said...

Honestly, I haven't checked out the panoramic app on my phone day I will play aroumd with it. I think they are primarily used on photos of inside for real estate photos ?? I have downloaded so many camera editing apps...where do I start?? They are so fun to play with though!!

Christine said...

I never think of using the extras but it looks like it might be fun! It looks as if Gibbs is standing guard!

Dr Sonia S V said...

Loved the one with Gibbs Ann...its beautiful

MadSnapper n Beau said...

playing around like this is how i learned to use all my cameras.. learn something new each time you play. this panorama is kinds of like almost lie fish eye but not.
congrats on the first 106 days of the year..

Duni said...

Cool feature! Like Sandra, I fiddle around with my camera until I find a setting where photos turn out to my liking :)

Out on the prairie said...

I had it on this setting with a film camera by mistake and was shocked at my developing bill. I have a 3 D also that I never use.

Grace said...

Gibbs and the clouds are wonderful! I do keep coming back to the last photo - it looks so 3-D. Nice!

Unknown said...

Gibbs doesn't know where he can "go!"

Sandee said...

Gibbs is adorable. Adorable.

I don't even have a cell phone so this is all Greek to me. I'm good with that too.

Have a fabulous day. My best to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Ginny Hartzler said...

They almost look kind of like through a fisheye lens.

Hootin Anni said...

It kinda looks like a 'fish eye' perspective!

I like 'em. But the star "Giblet", steals the show here today.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Great stats and fun photos!

Lin said...

I've seen people take cool photos with panoramic, where they appear at the right and the left of the photo. Maybe you could get Gibbs to move while you are taking the shot to make it TWO Gibbs! (Imagine TWO!)

Tanya. said...

I have found when I use the panoramic on my phone that I get weird angles too...can be kind of un though and I really like the idea of getting double Gibbs in the picture!!!

Marie said...

love the pic with Gibbs! the wires do look like they're going up!
happy weekend to you!

Deb said...

Wow, hats off to you Ann for keeping up with all your commitments, I am thoroughly impressed with your statistics! Cool panorama shots, bet you get some interesting views with Gibbs streaking through the middle :O)

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