Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Gibbs Report

Happy Sunday blogging peeps. I bet you are really excited to see me two days in a row. I know I'm wagging my whole body over it.

My mom made me this fancy schmancy high falootin edited picture to use for today's post. I don't think it's any better than the original one, I'm still cute no matter what.

Just so you know that things are being done right here. I am currently standing watch over my mom's desk to make sure that she isn't typing anything that I didn't woof about.  For some reason she says that I am making it difficult for her to type when I am laying on her desk. I tried to help her type and she made some funny noise that I can't even begin to repeat.

Yesterday after I let mom sleep in and then have her coffee we had tons of fun cleaning. I was with her every step of the way and we did a really good job. She did make me go to the man cave when she mopped the floor though. I don't know why because it's really fun to run real fast across a wet floor. You kind of slip and slide all over. You should try it some time.

That just about covers everything I have to woof about today. Have a tail waggin' kind of day


Unknown said...

It sounds like I need to make another call to the authorities. How many times do you want them to taze her?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I bet Daddy Wade was oh so happy for you to be in time out in his man cave... sounds like you are a really good "helper" but you are really 'cute'

Marg said...

Oh Gibbs, it sure sounds like you are having such a fun life and you really are too cute. You all have a great day.

Out on the prairie said...

It's a hard life

Grace said...

Yes you are - still cute, no matter what

Sandee said...

You are adorable and very cute. I'm so happy mom lets you post the Gibbs Report.

Have a woof woof day. My best to your wonderful mom. :)

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woofs to you :-) You mom is just having too much FUN. Have a PAWsome Sunday. Golden Woofs

Ginny Hartzler said...

Sweet cute little Gibbsy, it is so good to see you today! In fact, you have made my whole morning! Your picture looks like you are really looking at us and concentrating! It does not look edited, only beautiful. You are a good helper, I know. I think after Mom mops the floor, you could dry it very well. A couple slides across it, and bingo! Dry, then a treat. Hope you have a wooftastic day!!

Sharkbytes said...

With a handle attached to a harness you'd make a fine dust mop, Gibbs. You would really help mom that way. Only thing is, it would probably end in a bath for you.

Marie said...

I know your mom appreciates your help and your company. :) You are the cutest little helper I've ever seen! There's a nice man that works at a convenience/gas store and he brings his little Pomeranian to work every day. :) He's from Tampa, Fl.
happy Sunday to you too! I've missed you both!

crafty cat corner said...

such an innocent face, I'm sure you never do anything wrong.

Little Wandering Wren said...

Hey another top blogging dog, I bet you know the routine, sit, stay, photo for the blog... treat!! The crazy poodle says hi!
Just popped by to say hello, I'm little wandering wren with the koala from Jerry's post - you are both right I'm a wren and that's a koala, what a giggle! :)
Wren x

Deb said...

I can't imagine why your Mom complains when you try and help her with the typing Gibbs, I'm sure you are a great help! And the slipping and sliding game sounds like fun, hope you get to play it real soon! (And yes, you are adorable no matter what which I think is a very lucky thing for you ;O)

Reeni said...

It sounds like you're helping your mom with everything Gibbs! Sliding on the floor sounds FUN!

Rick (Ratty) said...

I sometimes wish I had a dog that was small enough to lie on my desk.

Lin said...

Why must you walk on the freshly mopped floor? My cats do that too. Ugh.

You are such a cute boy, Gibbs.

Donna said...

Oh, the photo turned out Gorgeous!
You're a Beauty!!

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