Saturday, May 23, 2015

A little green to go with my blues

What a great time of year this is to look out the window and see green. I've always loved the look of hosta leaves

All this green goes nicely with my blues. I hate to be whiney but I just can't help it. I'm used to having three day weekends for holidays that fall on Monday. Since I'm working Sundays now I don't get them. I still have the holiday off but it's just not the same.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Your leaves are fancy, full, large and beautiful!!! So sorry you got such a bad deal with your days off. Can't you go to the boss and plead seniority maybe?

Duni said...

Beautiful green leaves! Bummer about your long weekend though...

Unknown said...

I Love The hostas

Unknown said...

Understandable. Maybe Gibbs can lick you back into a better state of mind.

bichonpawz said...

I just love hostas!! So many different varieties...but they are very pretty! I'm sorry you don't get your long weekend...and I can certainly understand why you are bummed about it. I hope you enjoy the time you do have off.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

working in retail is not a fun thing to do, i did it for many years.. sorry. this photo needs to be MONKEYED with.. it would make great abstract art.. i know it would..

Out on the prairie said...

Pretty hosta. I lost most of mine to dry weather a few years ago.

Sandee said...

I've not liked you new schedule since the beginning. You need two or three days off in a row. You can't do anything with one day off. I'm just saying.

Have a fabulous day. Scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Grace said...

Are you at least compensated additionally - when a holiday falls on an RDO, isn't there some additional time/money compensation. And I will never understand why the senior member of the department gets the worst schedule (aren't you the bakery manager?) due to an incompetent employee who should have been fired. I know this makes you angry but it makes the rest of us angry to! ♥ ♥

Donna said...

Love the Hosta but...BUMMER!!!
No 3 day holiday?!!!
I'm sorry!! I'd whine too!

Tanya. said...

Hi Ann...just been having a catch up....sorry you have been feeling blue...but at least you have found another colour to brighten up your day....of course Gibbs is as adorable as ever!!!

Lin said...

Hmmmm...I would think that you should get two days off in a row every now and then. That schedule is wonky and not conducive to your health--mental and physical.

And to make it worse, you have to hear everyone else talking about their 3-day weekend. :( I'm sorry, my friend. I hope this changes for you.

Deb said...

Gorgeous hosta Ann! And whine away about your weekend, I'd be a tad ticked off too! Playing catch up here on commenting, sorry I'm so late in stopping by.

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