Monday, May 11, 2015

Time to escape

Let me tell you about those flowers I stole for you for Mother's Day. I saw them on a desk while I was sitting in the office of the finance manager. When she stepped out for a minute I quickly snapped that picture then did a quick edit of them before she returned. I didn't want to wish you a Happy Mother's Day empty handed and I knew she wouldn't mind.

Once I was done taking things from her she began taking things from me.

Suddenly I lost my Focus

I was signing my name so many times that I just felt the need to...

What better way to do that than in a tuxedo black Ford Escape.

Because of the timing of this trade in, Wade is claiming he bought me a new vehicle for Mother's Day. His buddies will buy that story but any sane person knows it's bull :)

While I was with the finance manager we had to call my insurance company to have the policy switched to the new vehicle. Imagine my surprise when I talked to the insurance agent and was told that my premium was going DOWN by $16.


Out on the prairie said...

nice new wheels! I have looked at them. I'm jealous now.

Marg said...

Oh What fun, a nice new car and a pretty one too. That is terrific. You have a great time with that new ride. Take care.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wow, a new car and flowers to steal at the same time... you know i would have been snapping those pics to. enjoy your new wheels. and double wow on going down.

Grace said...

Ride happy and safe!

WE said...

Happy Mother's Day ! ! !

Sandee said...

Well, happy mothers day and your new ride. Especially lowering that insurance premium. That's always a nice bonus.

Have a fabulous day my friend. My very best to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

BeadedTail said...

Wow! Congrats on your new Escape! We were actually looking at a new one on Saturday and probably will eventually get one for my hubby this year. Since we just bought my Edge last November, I'm waiting to restore our savings account before depleting it again!

Marie said...

Nice! I've seen these on the road and told hubby that I think I would like it. :) so fantastic that your insurance went down!!
Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, huge news! Is it a new car? Pretty! Do you each have a car? I had known that insurance payments will vary according to the safety tests of cars. I think your Mother's Day tops all the others!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Wow---what a Mother's Day present.....Love your Escape!!!!! BUT--why did you trade? I don't think you had the other one that long, or maybe you did and I just forgot....

Congrats on the new car.

Unknown said...

Arlynda really, really, REALLY wants an Escape (she thinks).

Connie said...

A new car and cheaper insurance . . . that is a win-win if I've ever heard one. Happy Mother's Day and Happy Driving :)

Lin said...

Sweet ride!!

How did you manage your insurance to go down? Each of our cars just went up $60-70. EACH. Car. Sigh.

Deb said...

Wow lovely new wheels Ann, careful you don't get any speeding tickets driving those hot wheels!

Duni said...

Great car! We definitely need a new car, but it'll have to wait till next year...

Donna said...

I think the Escape is definitely a better car! Have fun with your new ride!

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