Saturday, May 9, 2015

whacking down dandelions

Yesterday after work I did my typical eat dinner and then navigate to the couch to turn on the tv and pull out the laptop. Around 7 pm I got this bright idea that I was going to go out and mow the lawn.

There went the dandelions that were decorating my back yard

It's ok, I know they'll be back. Now if only the energy I had to mow the lawn would return I would be doing good


MadSnapper n Beau said...

wow, 7 pm mowing fest... i am so proud of you. i know it was hard since you stand on your feet all day at work... i am sure Master Gibbs will love the short grass to play/pee in

Marg said...

Those dandelions are sort of pretty even if they are weeds. What is wrong with a yellow and green lawn. Good for you to mow the grass. Have a great week end.

Out on the prairie said...

I poked few dandelions this week to slow down the population. I have a rider so mowing goes fast.

Sandee said...

What does Wade do around the house? You seem to be doing both the inside and the outside work. Just an observation.

Have a fabulous day off. My best to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Grace said...

Flowers are flowers as far as I'm concerned...and dandy-lions make nice wine (at least Ray Bradbury says they do).

Christine said...

When I mow the lawn it takes nearly a week to regain the energy levels but of course by then it's time to cut those dandelions back again!

Marie said...

I ask hubby to get our lawn cut today. he usually has it cut just before the weekend. those lovelies will come back. :) enjoy your weekend!

Unknown said...

I love the colour of these dandelions even though they are weeds. I love this time of year and happy we only have a small lawn. Enjoy your weekend :)

Donna said...

Those weeds sure are a nuisance! Good for you to have any energy at 7 p.m.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love dandelions, and this macro is super!

Deb said...

Yes, those pretty yellow flowers will be back soon, our lawn looks like a yellow rubber ducky again and my hubby just mowed it a few days ago!

Duni said...

What a great close up of the dandelion! We have plenty and I always think they look cute even though they are considered a weed!

Unknown said...

If you can catch them as buds, batter in egg and flour and deep-fry, they will taste just like morel mushrooms.

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