Friday, June 17, 2016

If it isn't one thing it's another

Well I didn't go to my PT appointment yesterday.. It was cancelled. The place I was going (which by the way is right across the street from where I work) isn't in UPMC's network so they won't pay for me to go there. If I want to go to physical therapy I have to travel at least 18 miles one way. Quite frankly I'm pretty sure I can handle doing the exercises at home by myself. It's basically just stretching and she told me that walking is good but I should avoid inclines for now.

Some of you asked about the lift for my shoe. Since I have scoliosis one hip is higher than the other and the lift helps even things out.

Totally unrelated is this stepping stone that has been sitting in my yard for 10 years now. The color is all worn off of it but I still like it


Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, I guess no more P.T. You will have to pay for your first appointment. But at least you know what to due now! There is a fun summer project! Paint the garden stone with weatherproof paint, then seal it!! Then post before and after photos!

Duni said...

That is a beautiful stone! I hope your PT sessions are approved soon! I have scoliosis too, but the therapist showed me some really good exercises that I can do at home :)

Rick (Ratty) said...

At least you'll probably save a bit of money by staying home. And I like that stepping stone too. Anything natury is for me.

Out on the prairie said...

I think i would drive to the other place, they might have something new

Grace said...

I think you should re-paint that stone too's very well done.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I see a future project in that cute stone.. sorry about the therapy mix up and hope you can work the exercises out alone... that is what I am doing.. once you know what to do, set a time to do them and do.

Unknown said...

Ah, the frustration of dealing with insurance companies! Love the stone - it's in great shape, isn't it?

Christine said...

No wonder you strongly dislike insurance companies! They cause A different kind of pain!
Hope you can do these exercises from home & save money.
The stone is pretty!

Sandee said...

I'm sorry PT is so far away. It's still worth it though. See what you can do on your own. I hope it works. It's terrible to be in pain.

I love the stepping stone. It's pretty and ever so true.

Have a fabulous day and weekend. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Connie said...

Hi Ann, I must have something of the same problem. Some days I walk around for hours in the morning with one shoe on and one off, or I've even worked outside with two different shoes, so that one was higher than the other. The neighbors probably think I've lost a few marbles, but it takes the strain off my back. I buy those heel pads with the arch supports and put one in my right shoe. This helps too. Maybe I should see a doctor, but I just don't like going.

Lin said...

Ann, try contacting advocacy for your health insurance--they all have someone to call and help you. If you explain that the distance you have to drive to get PT, they may offer some consideration. That is ridiculous to have to drive that far for treatment and now you won't even go...that's just nuts. Contact your plan administrator where you work and see if they have advocacy.

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