Tuesday, July 5, 2016

June craft report part 1

After having yesterday off it's back to work today. I would much rather spend another day hanging out around the house doing only the things that I want to do.

On to the June craft report. I've got a total of 6 pictures so rather than load one post with that many, I'm breaking this in to two parts.

I have a total of 18 plaques but only 16 are new ones. I found 2 in with last years craft items. They'll fill a couple slots on the rack though so they're going in to the mix.

The two I found

I found wood football shapes that were already painted at the craft store and I picked a couple up. I figured I should have at least a couple plaques for football fans. Since this is Steeler country I had to go with the yellow and black.

I really liked the way the background on these turned out. I don't know if it was the colors or what but rather than cover too much of it up I went for some words and a few buttons. Oh and as you can see, I've added the please to that one plaque.

See you tomorrow for part 2


Ginny Hartzler said...

My favorite is the bird with the star in his beak! MORE!

Duni said...

These are so cute, Ann!

Hootin Anni said...

If I were there at your crafts show, I'd be sure to buy one with the football [tho I'm a Broncos Fan...Irene LOVES the Steelers]

Great stuff...again!

Out on the prairie said...

You are getting ready it looks like

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wow on having that many ready to GO... i love the colors on the introverting and the please is pretty and works great. there will be some who don't want to say please so having both is a good thing.

Grace said...

The introverting one came out REALLY well.

Sandee said...

Too cute. I'm so in awe of folks that can create. I'm a dud in that department.

Have a fabulous day Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Chelsey said...

I hear ya! I hope you enjoyed your day off :) lovely creations

Lin said...

You are very clever! I always like to see what you are making.

BeadedTail said...

I don't know how you always come up with such clever ideas but you do! Love the last two!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I love them!

Reeni said...

The last ones are so pretty!! I love the background too and especially the color!!

Deb said...

Cute Ann, I need that introverting plaque! Deb xo

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